Friday, June 15, 2012

Haiku My Heart – Obstacles be gone

A Rock Offering to Ganesha


Orange Elephant God,

Help me lay the foundation.

Obstacles be gone.


This beautiful little statue of the Hindu God, Lord Ganesha: the lord of beginnings and wisdom, sits on the windowsill at Elizabeth’s lake house. One evening, we were rock wrapping by the windows as the rain poured down outside. This rock with its orange wax linen thread and the tiny orange bead felt like it belonged in front of Ganesha. I left it there, on its bed of eucalyptus dyed silk.

Ganesha is thought to be the remover of obstacles. Perhaps my simple offering of orange, rock and love is the reason that my creative path seems to have opened up so wide right now ?

I don’t know for sure but I will take that gift very willingly !


Yesterday morning, I set up a spray play time outside on the back deck.

Stencils, spray inks, papers of many different kinds,

and a clothesline to hang the results.




An hour and a half passed so quickly


left me with another cool stash of papers to play with in my collages.

The walnut spray ink was the earthy darkness that I was most pleased with.


I have ordered my bees wax and found an electric skillet at the Goodwill store

but until my order arrives,

good old gel medium will work to adhere my goodies.


This 6X6'” canvas piece includes a color copy of the green angel that originated in my journal a year ago.


New larger wings and a glorious earthy background

using bits of my recently sprayed papers


this new angel creation that I am loving a lot !


So much so that the palette inspired three little rock wrappings to go with it.

I am thinking of listing them all together as a package deal in the Etsy shop

so that someone else can enjoy them up close too.

That is if I can part with them ! Winking smile


May the obstacles in your path today be few

and easy to circumvent, Beautiful Ones !

Happy Friday !


For more Haiku Love, visit the Beautiful Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon.


Jess said...

I hope your obstacles flee when they see this awesome creature.
I love how your journal green girl has progressed to a painting! Lovely work Kim.
Jess xx

Anonymous said...

I love the transformation of the angel!!! Much richer in many ways!!! I see a picture in my mind of the elephant lifting heavy obstacles out of the way! One of the papers has a gorgeous butterfly in it! Can you see it? I'm loving your work more and more and more each day! Love you my precious one. Thanks for you!

bacon said...

So wonderful, sweet friend.
That is all.

eb said...

between Ganesha
and your green angelic one
the sun shines golden...

happy haiku
sweet wrappin' friend,

xox - eb.

Kate Robertson said...

You've lots of luscious goodness here. All those spray ink samples look so fun. Re purposing art is such fun, I like what you have done with the angel. There is so much new energy there.

Ganesh is so cute, that is if a Hindu God can be cute. I love the idea of removing obstacles. So you are adhering your papers with beeswax? I know we did some adhering of items when I took Judy Wise's encaustic class. That was fun. Maybe now that its summer I can get back to do ing some wax. Enjoy your experiments.


somepinkflowers said...


isn't eb The Best teacher!
isn't lake*side there The Best
at encouraging creativity!

i love your entire posting, kim!

so many possibilities!

Obstacles B gone!

Sherry said...

I LOVE that your creative path has been blown wide were due. This retreat with Colleen and eb, and all the light that eb believes in has been the sustenance you were looking for. As always you make me want to be more than I am!! Love you ♥ And I love those papers!!

Karen said...

What a delight it is to visit your blog!

Spadoman said...

You have much inspiration and creativity. I love the green angel. I use walnut husk dye to create patterns on the drum heads I make. Dark and rich. Very nice, all of it. You are the special one and the Gods talk to you.


carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic sprayed creation and your angel paintings are awesome ~ not sure I would let the little rocks go ~ (kind of a totem for your muse?) ~ Excellent haiku ~thanks, enjoy the weekend ^_^ ~ A Creative Harbor

Anonymous said...

Look what you brought back with you...all this golden inspiration...adore your wrapped rocks!

Cate Rose said...

All wonderful, Kim. I've been reading you for a while but think this is my first comment. Love what you're doing with Buddhas, rocks, spray paint, journals... Have a great weekend!

Cheryl said...

Your message today is like a message from the universe that I really needed to hear right now. Thank you so much for this powerful post. I love the photos of your spray ink fun and what you created with the papers.

foxysue said...

There's something about your new angel creation that I'm drawn to too, not sure but I think I'm in love ;~)x

deb did it said...

ooohhh....I love this so much!
I might want to buy!!
you inspire me so!!

patti said...

A beautiful result Kim! Love that angel and Ganesha too! Things are moving in your creative soul!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Whatever the source of the gift, give thanks!

Old Mariachis

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I enjoyed scrolling through and reading your post and am glad you are in a good space. Have a wonderful weekend.

rebecca said...

i love watching your work take on added depth and dimension.
obstacles be gone indeed!

so much joy and beauty here,
thank you for you.

Rachel said...

I really enjoyed your clothes pin art, what a great idea! Have a great weekend!

beth said...

love love love.....
and you know what....i think i'm going to wrap a few of my rocks.
you know all that string i've been buying lately at the antique shops....well, that seems perfect for me to use with my rocks and a few beads so I can be just like you :)

love you sweetie and your inspiration !!!

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

What a lovely Ganesh! So smooth and receptive-looking! Would that he will remove your obstacles, Kimmypoo! And so glad to read that this retreat brought you so much. Ah, life is good, isn't it?

Marit said...

I'm in ooh and awe over your art... the rich earthy colours are just fantastic!! Play on, and make your soul sing, sister!

Lea said...

I am late in making it over but what a feast I find, oh rocking faerie queen... not only your beautiful wrapped rocks, but your offering to Ganesh and evoking his assistance in removing all obstacles. I too lay my stones at his feet... thank you so!

Fallingladies said...

Your wrapped rocks and sketches of them are just sooo inspiring! So glad to hear of your wonderful trip! Sounds magical and so creative!

Unknown said...

This is *so* inspiring. Thank you. And thank you for the reminder (offering to Gensha) that it's sometimes a good thing to ask for exactly what you need. <3