Friday, July 8, 2011

Haiku My Heart–Dirt Bliss


Her hands love the soil.

“For me, this is Zen.” Suzanne,

The Garden Goddess



So this summer has snuck up on me, as I have said.

The back deck finally got its table and umbrella in place last weekend.

And because many of the annuals have been marked down at this point, I was able to stretch my very limited decorating budget to buy some lovelies to fill my containers and grace me with their sweet presence.

But time speeding by, the lovelies sat in their plastic store pots, lucky to be watered each day but not very happy with their root feet so cramped.

Today, with my friend Suzy, the Garden Goddess, visiting, everyone is getting new dirt, and new homes in pretty pots !

Zen bliss for my friend today, a summer’s viewing pleasure for me !

Thanks, Sue ! This haiku from the heart is for you ! Winking smile

(deck photos to follow…)


rebecca said...

is there anything more delightful than haiku for flowers???

all this and the joy of a helping friend,

happy friday dear heart

Unknown said...

love love love!!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Soil-loving hands are some of the gentlest and best!

Marit said...

Seems we were thinking the same thoughts this Friday! LOVE your haiku! Enjoy the flowers dear one, as I will mine this weekend!

Anonymous said...

hurray for the garden goddess!

lyle baxter said...

lucky you! your own garden goddess! have fun!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this lovely earthy post.

All the best, Boonie

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

What a lovely friend you have that comes and works in your garden with you. I love her photo and your haiku.

Kathy said...

Nice.. a garden goddess..everyone should have one.. lucky you.. nothing better than everyone planted and happy..

deb did it said...

Goddess of Garden
Dirty hands plant summer blooms
Friend of Kim and Earth

tami said...

garden goddesses - yippee. Hope you enjoyed your day!

Nadeja said...

That's what friends are for!!!:):):)
Love to you. Thanks for sharing your friend with us!

gma said...

Playing in dirt is good for the soul.

Meri said...

bless friends with sure hands
whose thumbs are green, palms loamy
helping us garden

Noelle Clearwater said...

So wonderful to plant a good garden and dig one's hands into soil, watching beatiful flowers grow. I am glad that you are happy and the flowers are happy too. Glad you got some help from the Goddess.

Margaret Pangert said...

That is truly Zen! Expressing love through your hands making something grow... I think yur rock fairiness is Zen, too, Kim. I look forward to the potted garden!

Dianne said...


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Wheeee! I, too, for the first time in many years, planted some annuals in the pots at the cottage. I decided I didn't care if they were scrawny or didn't make it because I couldn't take care of them regularly, I just wanted their pretty headed wagging at me from time to time there. It has made it more of a home in some ways. I think even when I live in a warm climate where I will garden year around, I will still thrill to the happiness that flowers bring.

Priti Lisa said...

True friend.
I can't wait to see what you girls did with the deck!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, those are some very happy looking flowers! What a gorgeous yellow. One can never stay down while gazing upon those flowers. They remind me of the Chuckle Patch from the Magic Garden. How I loved that show. And here's to good friends like your Garden Goddess, Suzanne! XO

Fallingladies said...

love this, and i just finally saw your last few posts, Lovely rock fairy walks!!!!!!!

Julie Prichard said...

Got to love plants on sale!! I'm about to do some potting here myself.

Look for "A Man Named Pearl" on Netflix. ;)

Anonymous said...

nice posting
i like it
non voice projects

Sherry said...

Isn't it wonderful when we are able to provide someone we love with the zen that makes them happy? Seems like both you and Suzy were able to do that for one another!