Winter Solstice...
The shortest day of the year...
The longest night...
The longest darkness...
but also
the reversal of that darkening pattern...
Tomorrow the day will be just that little bit brighter...
for that little bit longer...
So on the Solstice,
it is time to celebrate the coming of the light...
"Winter Solstice also known as Yule, Christmas, and Saturnalia, occurs in mid December. It celebrates the birth of the new Solar year and the beginning of Winter. The Goddess manifests as the Great Mother and the God as the Sun Child. The God also appears as Santa Claus and Old Man Winter. Colors are Red, Green, and White. This is a festival of inner renewal.
Strengthen bonds with family and friends by visiting and/or exchanging gifts and greetings. Decorate your home with lights, greens, and holiday colors. Bless your home with a Yule wreath on your front door and sprigs of mistletoe inside. If you are part of a group, take up a collection of food and/or clothing at your Yule gathering and give what you collected to a social service agency to distribute to the needy. Place sunflower seeds outside for wild birds to feast upon. Greet the Sun at dawn on Solstice morning by ringing bells. Do magic for a more peaceful planet."
I am going to celebrate the Winter Solstice consciously for the first time this year.
It makes sense to my heart.
This winter is different for me in many ways
The darkness has not been as harsh with me as it has in past.
In fact, I have often found it comforting
Like a coccoon...
Where I can begin a transformation...
My Solstice Celebration is going to include some of the following :
Lighting candles...

Creating a surround of love with things that mean a lot to my heart, like an alter of sorts,
(Included in my alter will be this fabulous gift I got in the mail
from my friend Linda who shared a Rock My World adventure with me at Squam -
a rock heart wrapped with a wire and with a beautiful train of goodies - I love this rock!!! )
Filling up the bird feader with those black sunflower seeds that the birdies around here love so much and getting some suet for the cardinals and jays...
Attending a special meditation class tonight with some other wonderful women, where the focus will be on inner renewal and the coming of the light...
Filling up the bird feader with those black sunflower seeds that the birdies around here love so much and getting some suet for the cardinals and jays...
Attending a special meditation class tonight with some other wonderful women, where the focus will be on inner renewal and the coming of the light...
I am bringing little "light" gifties, Rock Fairy style :)
And also, and most importantly for me right now, I am going to shine a light on My Self.
You know, the change has to happen from the inside.
I do a lot of talking about kindness and love and showing those precious things to my fellow woman/man kind...
And also, and most importantly for me right now, I am going to shine a light on My Self.
You know, the change has to happen from the inside.
I do a lot of talking about kindness and love and showing those precious things to my fellow woman/man kind...
And yet I still have a lot of work to do to learn to really shower my self with those life-giving gifts...
Time to walk the talk, I think...
So as I celebrate the slow but steady return of the light to our world,
I am going to celebrate the fact that I am loved and I deserve every kindness,
and that I am a child of light
and I am going to let my own flame burn pure...
Time to walk the talk, I think...
So as I celebrate the slow but steady return of the light to our world,
I am going to celebrate the fact that I am loved and I deserve every kindness,
and that I am a child of light
and I am going to let my own flame burn pure...
Art journal page - December 21, 2009 -
"Let Your Own Flame Burn Pure"
you've made me think about this in a whole new light...
I'm off to light some candles and then I'm just going to breathe for a bit before my busy day consumes me.
You are a light in my life! And you are LOVED!
~magickal hugs~
Love this Kim. I'm planning to explore inward tonight too and will light a candle for both our journeys.
Sending you joy and peace for a blessed Solstice...
kim, you are a wonderful,kind thoughtful person with some great talents! enjoy the gifts you have. we do! lyle and toni! ps I've been celebrating this day forever as it means the days will get longer I love the light!
What an excellent spin to put on the solstice and what it really it can be celebrated!! Oh joy in that!!
Love your journal page, your altar, your candle lighting...
I was just saying this morning in my chat to the "man upstairs" that this is the first time in my life I feel contented and at peace in my well being. It's a joyous feeling.
Lighting a candle for you too on this darkest of nights as we welcome the winter in all it's glory!
Love you!
Kim, the page is brilliant and amazing! The colors are so hot and heart warming.
The message is wonderful. I have much work to do (or maybe undo) regarding the heart...hearing the heart, releasing the heart...the acknowledgment of me as a child of light. I love "let kindness be your religion"...*sigh* much to consider.
my dear kim, i am here celebrating with you... i love reading about your day...
love, love to you my friend, and may this day bring much light...
Inspiring journal page as usual my friend, Enjoy your solstice meditation tonight.
Thanks for the beautiful card with yet another fab illustration of yours.
Thank you for sharing. This is lovely.
I usually celebrate winter solstice with a fire and letting go in some form. Haven't felt to great today so I just lit a lot of candles to welcome the sun back. Wore my sun earrings too. I have a friend who celebrates by eating food that is round like the sun. Oranges are good and she also talks about the things she will do when the sun comes back. What her plans for spring and summer are etc. I sm finding more ways to celebrate this lovely holiday. I welcome the light thanks for sharing yours.
I just found your blog. Really nice journal page and colors. Happy Solstice Day to you!! Yay, the Sun is returning!!
Thanks Kim, for sharing your thoughts and pretty pictures.
May all of our Lights shine brightly.
I hope your meditation night was peaceful and introspective. Three cheers for the return of light, I say! And although the wintriest part of the winter is still ahead, very soon we will feel the warmth of the sun as and when it shines. Wishing you safe travel over the holidays.
I too am glad for the return of the light!! Soon spring will bring renewal and green....can't wait.
I will confess that I haven't thought much about Winter Solstice in the past, but I *wanted* to, in that I wanted to know more. Thank you for what you have written. It really resonates with me and I adore all your celebrations.
You are a radiant being, Kim, and I am so glad that you have found a way to let your light shine in the darkness. A very Happy Solstice to you, my friend!
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