On Saturday, my honey wasn’t feeling well. 
I was bummed for him, and myself as well.
It was a really beautiful day, and I wanted to get out.
But I really didn’t feel like going out alone.
So instead, I went in as my honey rested.
With a window open in the studio, good tunes on Pandora radio, and sunshine streaming in,
I took a 20X20” canvas and went in
to wherever my intuitive artist wanted to go…

I got to this point and really liked what was happening.

Then I added the purple here and felt like I had ruined it somehow !
Especially in that upper left section. Too dark. The spring feeling was gone.
Suddenly, I hated the thing !
Time for a good break.
Brushes washed, kitties skritched,

and a late afternoon nap with my man
and I was able to come back to the painting in the evening and complete it.

I didn’t take photos of the process as it was pretty dark in the studio, but I gessoed over a lot of the piece, and then went in with the cobalt blue/purple color, lots of detail stuff with white and black acrylic ink,

and brought the painting to where it felt finished.

Now I am much happier with it !

“Sprung” – acrylic on canvas, 20X20”
Luckily, David was feeling better on Sunday and we went for a scenic drive along the seacoast. We saw a lot of damage from last week’s storm where the high waves breeched the sea walls.

(crazy waves and kooky couples in North Hampton)
The Rock Fairy beaches still have some rocks but very little sand left.

(Swan couple in Jenness, NH)
Then we drove on to Kittery, Maine to hit some of the outlet stores and did a little bit of retail therapy.
It was a sweet afternoon and did both David and I a lot of good.
Oh yeah…
I also stopped at Michaels on the way home and bought another 20X20” gallery wrapped canvas on sale for 50% off…
More intuitive exploration to come !
Hope your week is off to a good start too, Beautiful Ones !
Big Love !