It is easy to love butterflies. It is easy to love babies. It is easy to love flowers, and puppies, and birdies, and pretty things...

(Sing like no one is listening - 2001)
It is so easy in fact that most people do love those things. A lot even.
But what about the less lovable things in life.
What about the warty, scary, scarred, ugly parts of life ?
Of people who we know ?
Of ourselves ?

Do those parts need less love ?
I think not ! I think that they in fact need more love
than the pretty, shiny, sweet parts.
Without love, those parts get uglier,
wart-ier, more scarred and scary.
But then, how do you really learn to love the UNLovable ?

(art journal page "Unlovable" - May 19, 2009)
I think you need to go slow.

Maybe you need to love one icky wart or deep, painful scar at a time...

After all, that ugliness, those scars, those warts, didn't appear all in one day.
And maybe, just maybe,

with a little more love and a little more time,
those scars, those warts, those scary, scared parts of life,
of people we know,
of ourselves,
can become ugly beautiful instead.
Kiss a warty toad part of yourself today ! Happy SP Wednesday, my Ugly Beauties !
This post was partly inspired by Life is a Verb by Patti Digh, p.134, "Love Unlovable People". Patti is coming to Deerfield, NH on June 2nd to read from her amazing, inspiring, lovely book and I will be there with bells on !
It is also inspired by Sheri Gaynor's Creative Awakenings, p.114 - The Toad Committee. Sheri encourages us to listen carefully to what the venomous toad parts of ourselves are yelling at us - their message may just be something we need to hear !)