Thursday, January 12, 2012

Share the Joy Thursday - Give it wings…

It is a snowy day today. Our first since October so no complaints here.

In fact, I am a little joyful about it, as I have no where I have to be,

and other than some house work,

nothing I have to do !

I am still trying to get back into the swing of working in my art journal more often.

I have to admit that while the paper in this meaty Moleskine Watercolor journal is delicious,

the size of it (81/2 X 11 or 8X1/2 X 22 full page spreads)


is a little intimidating, even to the fearless paint slapper in me !


I decided to do a few pages sliced up into sections…


three per page.

I also wanted to make use of some of the stamps I have been buying but never using…


Believe it or not, this funky winged pen stamp is from Michael’s $1.50 bin !


As is this gorgeous butterfly stamp.


I bought this Invoke Arts “Art Queen” stamp from the awesome Absolutely Everything store in Topsfield, Mass., way back when but it had never been used until today !


I like Stazon ink, since it doesn’t run with watercolors…


Rather than think too much, I just stamped them wherever, one in each section, as a jumping off place.


The pens and wings looked like a body to me.

I added a head, cut out from an old dictionary page.


I added some color with Twinking H2O’s.

While I was painting her, I was thinking about what kind of angel she was,

and what would she would be writing…

Love note…? Messages of kindness…?


I added in some printed words in little boxes with wings.


And then a little phrase to bring it together, written by hand with my dip pen.


Okay so she isn’t anything fancy or really profound,


I took the time to play and experiment.

And now, I am taking the time to share it.

That brings JOY to my artist heart !


As do these next sections in my journal, ready for me to play with when the time comes around again.

I hope you are finding many little things that bring you to a joyful place, Beautiful Ones.

Happy Thursday !


Meri and the gang have more joy to share here.



Sherry said...

Those stamps from Michael's are can't beat the price and I love the pens with wings!! I also love how you turned that into something special..and just let yourself go. Great idea to break each page up so you don't feel so daunted when you open the journal.

K for Klever K for Klever Kim!!!

Enjoy the snow day!! xoxox

Olivia said...

Thank you for sharing your joy, My Queen. I love how you approached the intimidation of a large blank expensive page. Breaking it down into manageable chunks. A good approach to life in general.

I am excited about this because I have big blank pieces, Staz-On Ink and Twinking H2O's! I could even do this...whoo hoo!

Thank you for the inspiration today, Your Majesty, xoO

beth said...

sometimes everything is better in little doses. i love the split up pages and i love that her little notes were given wings, too....
you're so talented and uninhibited, you paint slapper you :)

A'n'G Johnson said...

are you kidding, I love her!!! I think she is much more than a simple exploration.

And doesnt it feel fantastic to use those materials you've been saving up for something special!!

Anonymous said...

I like how you tackled the pages...and how you pulled together a wonderful little story from the flying pens.


foxysue said...

This is wonderful, I like how you showed the evolution of your angel, yes Joy indeed!

Sue x

Unknown said...

She's a great angel!
With a lot to say.
Love the idea of breaking up the full page; white is intimidating.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos of this delightful stream of creative work in your notebook of art, I love it.

smiles, Sharon said...

What a very thoughtful way to make your first markings in your new journal...ah, what a journal. And to create an artist muse as your first piece, will bring you much happiness as you fill these pages. Thank you for sharing...hope to see more of your book as you work in it. And yes, it does bring joy. smiles: sharon

jgr said...

I love that moleskin book, and what a great idea to divide it. Lovely work, my friend-happy snow day to you-we have rain here but it's 55˚ so I won't complain.

Paula said...

I absolutely love her...and what great fun it was to see her come into being! Snow days are sheer magic.

Unknown said...

what a GREAT idea! I am so inspired by this post! I have tons of stamps (I can't help it and buy them often) but rarely use them. What a great idea to let the STAMP dictate the art rather than the other way around, if you know what I mean! It's so beautiful... thank you for inspiring me!

Anonymous said...

Sweet body of pens and wings, love hour your section turned out. I always resonate with your faces! xox Corrine

eb said...

lovely sharing
of your JOY...

xox - eb.

Julie Prichard said...

GENIUS breaking them up, Kim!

Cindy said...

Hey Kim, I think it is beautiful and I love how you show your process, you know I don't even own a stamp, but just may have to...see you are always inspiring me. thank you. hugs.

Sueann said...

Love those stamps! The winged pen is my favorite too! Your angel is adorable!
It is amazing how a blank page can bring terror to our hearts, isn't it?
Good for you on breaking in the page.

Jess said...

I'm so glad you shared this here Kim! When I started this new sketchbook it seemed enormous (A4)and I never thought I'd get used to the pages. Dividing it up like that is a fantastic idea and the stamps look really lovely! Have a great weekend Kim! :o0
Jess xx

Fallingladies said...

Love the process AND the end result!!?

Meri said...

Dear Kim -- Everyone loved your last art journaling article for FinallyMe. Can I post this? I think it's marvelous!


rivergardenstudio said...

So much happiness here, I love your desk and to see how you work (play). Very joyful!!! thank you...

Susan said...

I love your journal! Inspired to play with watercolors...