Monday, January 6, 2014

‘Round here on this first Monday in January…

Outside my window, it is pouring rain, foggy, and extremely wet. It is also 53 degrees. Strange stuff ! Tonight the temps will drop by 40 degrees and tomorrow is supposed to be frigid. And an icy world, I think, when all this wet freezes over.

I am officially entering hibernation mode …


I am thinking about little things I can do to help my body cope with this hibernation mode. I am not making huge resolutions that I know I won’t keep but thinking about little steps first.

I am going start each day with a mug of warm water and lemons, after having read this article recommended by my cousin. I have been disliking the effects of coffee for a while now, and had switched to decaf. Now the idea of the benefits as well as the warm, soothing nature of this beverage appeals !


I am thankful for our new and growing relationship with our niece Amanda and her little boy, Jayden.


Being a Great Aunt is fabulous !

I get to enjoy all the squishy, yummy, loving parts of having a new baby in the family, as well as giving his Momma a bit of a well-deserved break which I know she appreciated very much.

From the kitchen, oatmeal with thawed out frozen raspberries and some maple syrup is for breakie.

I am wearing black leggings, a denim tunic, a turquoise scarf, and my turquoise Croc fur lined clogs.

Oh, and a terrible case of bed head.Winking smile

I am reading/listening to The Mists of Avalon by Marion-Zimmer-Bradley. Slowly! It is over 50 Hours of 3 unabridged audiobooks that I purchased from Audible. Fits perfectly with this misty, foggy, hibernating day !

I am creating a special heart for a special person who is collecting art hearts from friends.


My sweet felted and embroidered number will be in the mail asap !

I am hearing  rain falling on the back deck and Chica snoring on the daybed.

Around the house things are tidy and quiet, as we reclaimed our house yesterday after our lovely guests, Suzanne and the crazy puppy, Patine left to make their way home. It was a great and very fun visit ! It is also quiet since my sweet hubby went back to work at the office for the first time since before Christmas.


I am hoping that all my friends who are working through this crazy weather remain safe and warm and cozy.


A few plans for the week...continue the clean up in the studio here and there, help out our niece Amanda with some Jayden sitting, and getting myself back to painting in the studio ! My fingers are itching for paint !!!!

Happy Monday, Beautiful Ones !


Anonymous said...

I love the approach you are taking as the new year gets into full swing..I love the heart and yes to lemons and warm or hot grandmother began every day that way -- perhaps I might join you in this new beginning. Love you and the love you share!

Unknown said...

Hi Kim, lovely blog post.
Your heart looks lovely, Jayden looks gorgeous xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful heart for a friend...stay cosy. xox

Anonymous said...

well...sounds like the perfect formula for hibernation! Your heART is beautiful both the sweet felted...and yours.

I read Mists of Avalon years ago and it is still one of my very favorites.

stay snug...I am off to warmer climes! will be out of touch for a couple of weeks.

Jess said...

Hi Kim,the heart you made is lovely, your friend will be so pleased. :) Fur lined crocs? A good idea I think as I've recently seen people wearing the plain plastic ones, their feet must be so cold this time of year! Keep warm and cosy!
Jess xx