Friday, January 31, 2014

Where you been, Queen of Arts ?

I am missing blogging.

But life has been keeping us busy around here.

Surviving winter…

Kind of fitting that I started the month and the year with a barefoot romp in the snow,

and that I just ended the month poking my toes outside this morning.


I was letting out the dog and felt the warmth of the sunshine on the back deck and had to step out

and play with my shadow for a minute.


Not ready for bare feet walking out there at all but the minute I spent out there reminded me that warmth and spring will get here eventually !


Little Jayden has been conducting our lives a little as we help out his mom where and when we can,

keeping our hearts all mushy and filled with baby love !


That, and some major house de-cluttering, as well as some big life changing decisions coming down the loop,

have kept me from getting to making much art these days either.

I am feeling the itch of that though, as I always do when I go too long without getting messy.

Making a promise to myself to get back to that asap.


I was thrilled to receive my contributor’s copy of this beautiful new book by Patti Digh,

the Geography of Loss in the mail yesterday.


I was so pleased with how my art work was featured on page 19,


with a perfect “Embrace what is:” inspiration.


It is so special to see your own art work in a published work of writing like this !

I so appreciate how Patti encourages and supports artist in such special ways.

Thanks for letting me be a part of it, Writer-Lady.

There is more in store for us as collaborators coming soon !


So yes, big changes look like they are on the way for David and me.

If things work out as we think they will, this will be the last winter we spend in the North East US for awhile…

More news when things come clear.

Happy Friday, beautiful Ones !

Big Love !


Anonymous said...

I love that you have been keeping busy, that changes are coming and decisions are being made. I love baby Jayden and his bright happy smile...and even with the misery of winter -- he reminds us that joy is but a smile away! I love you daring to step out in the cold to feel the sunshine on the dark -- bare toes and all. And I love your art in Patti's new book -- a wonderful depiction of grief & loss. Last day of January my lady -- spring is that much closer! Love you you! xo

Carmen said...

Barefoot in the snow? I have to layer up and wear my coat with apron over the top just to go in my shedio... and it's just raining here ;)

That book looks a thing of beauty and your art sits well within it.

Congratulations Kim :)

arlene said...

Such big things in your, beauty, adventure. Can't wait to hear what changes are waiting for you!

iHanna said...

Spring, baby, being published - all happy new beauties! Thanks for sharing, makes me smiley too. Hope the move plan is a joyous one. Be well!

Unknown said...

sounds like big changes on the horizon - you are brave! Love the page in the book - your art is a testimony to the power of art and love

Nadeja said...

How elegant, creative and inspiring you are my eldest daughter. I am so proud to witness how you share your many gift and talents with this world of ours. Gentle, kind, always considerate! You rock my sweetie. I love you,
ps. that little guy sure is adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Kim, your piece is a beauty in the book...many congrats!


Yes, thinking thinking thinking of spring but enjoying our fluffy foot of snow as well.

michelle ward said...

Tossing confetti to see you in print, and to hear your enthusiasm for all the goodness going on. Smooches.

patti said...

Well done Kim, your artwork looks wonderful in Patti's book!

Good luck with all your big decisions, I'm sure all will be well!

Anonymous said...

so happy your piece is in the is so your heart...hope your wishes and changes with David make you both the happiest. xox

simply bev said...

Congratulations on a successful collaboration! Your piece is wonderful.

Kate Robertson said...

One more collaboration with Patti DIgh, that meeting sure has been amazing for you. I love the piece that you made.