Thursday, October 16, 2014

Share the Joy Thursday - Lanai Weather

It is only 70 degrees here this morning! And mostly dry! 
I had to move myself outside on to the lanai and take advantage of the weather.
I've got my journal, some bits of arty things I'm working on and my coffee cup.
And here I sit, comfortably outside in our outdoor space ! 

Chica is joining me for the sweet morning bird song. I think I like this Florida fall.

Have a joyful Thursday! 

For more joy sharing visit Meri at each Thursday. 


*jean* said...

ahhh looks so very nice...enjoy!

Leovi said...

Nice photos, I love this garden, a wonderful site! That pretty "Chica"

Unknown said...

Looks like heaven to me :)

Anonymous said...

You have so taken to this warm southern living!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice spot and Miss Chica looks so content. I bet you are too. xox