the mega-lovefest,
magical carpet ride called
One World, One Heart !
One World, One Heart
is an international blogging event
that has bloggers from all over visiting one another,
spreading the love and
offering awesome giveaways to their visitors,
all in the spirit of connection and love for one another !
The Queen of Arts is all about spreading the love where ever she can
so this event is right up my alley !

Welcome to The Queen of Arts blog and to the wonderful event that is OWOH !
I participated last year for the first time,
and I had so much fun visiting so many new blogs
and meeting some wonderful blogpals along the way !
I was also privileged enough to win some lovely prizes from other blogger's giveaways.
All in all it is one Magical Ride !
So for this year's giveaway, I have 4 items up for grabs.
I have two of my Love Birds, stuffed with a hint of lavender and finished with lovely beaded tails,
perfect for hanging in a window or from your car mirror.
One of the giveaway birds is pink...
and the second one is a purple batik...
The third giveaway item is this beaded necklace with the "patience" bamboo tile pendant
in tones of amber. The necklace is 18 inches long.
The final giveaway item will be a little bag full of my Rock My World rocks.
I include thirteen rocks in each ribbon tied bag,
along with a little card that explains the Rock My World Project.
In order to be eligible to win one of these four prizes you must :
1) have a blog (it is a blog event after all !)
2) leave a comment on this post and
include an email address or a link to your blog,
so you can be notified if you win.
(if no link or address is included in your comment, I will have to choose another winner for the OWOH prize.)
This event runs from January 25th through February 15th, 2010.
I will close the comment entries on February 14th, at 9pm Eastern Time in order to choose my giveaway winners.
I will notify the winners on their blogs or via email on February 15, 2010 !!!
Thank you so much for visiting and I hope you have a sweet ride on the One World, One Heart Magical Carpet !
Big Love to All !
1 – 200 of 293 Newer› Newest»Oh, this looks like such a fun event. I hope I can do it next year. I love love love your goodies of course. The birds are divine, the necklace lovley and the rocks make me feel like a kid in a candy store.
Looking forward to checking out more of the blogs related to this.
Thanks for sharing.
I knew that you would open your big heart to take part in this event. Sending you mega hugs and kisses xoxoxox
so nice to see all the love in blogland right now.
one love.
I'm totally jumping on bird is very lonely and I think one of the new birds you are giving away would make him very happy...wink wink....WHAAAT ? I bet their kids will be really cute :)
Beautiful give-aways Kim! And this is a great project.
What a fun giveaway with such lovely art to win! I love your patience necklace and the birds are delightful too.
I can be reached at and Want my phone numbers too? LOL ;-)
I'm sunk. I adore your birdies. How sweet they are.
Ohhhh . . . .the magic carpet just dropped me off at your site, and I fell in love with those little birdies!!!! Wonderful gifts, and a beautiful blog too! Hugs, Terri
Beautiful birdies!!! Great giveaway!
What fun things you have to give away! Love them!
I love each one! What a fun giveaway! Please add my name to the hat!
I like them all! Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!
Kim, you jusr rock!
Umm..okay, so your prizes are all so much fun, I can't even stand it! Love it all! Thanks for a great giveaway!
My window is sooooo longing for your lovely purple bird! Pleeeeeaaaaase enter my name to your drawing!
hello there! i adore your cute little birds as well as the necklace and rocs - please enter me into the giveaway :)
i hope you enjoy your mgic carpet ride and manage to fly over to my blog here as well
what a great giveaway, please add my name to the list. Fell free to come and visit my blog too.
I can smell the lavender already! Of course, I can also see that lovely necklace on my neck and am intrigued by the rock my world project. So either way I would be very happy to win! Thanks for the chance!
I can smell the lavender already! Of course, I can also see that lovely necklace on my neck and am intrigued by the rock my world project. So either way I would be very happy to win! Thanks for the chance!
Wonderful items! Please include me :)
Such fun giveaways! I especially love the birds, one would look so sweet hanging from my window, and the beautiful necklace. Email on blogger profile.
Wonderful gifts! So beautiful! :)
What a lovely Give away you are offering,thankyou for the opportunity to win!Please visit my blog too!
Greetings from Australia
SO MANY WONDERFUL THINGS! WOW!! This is SUCH AN AMAZING and generous giveaway! Who wouldn't love these various items! This is soo much good stuff..please add my name into your wonderful giveaway!
So nice to meet you!
Zan ~
You can also visit my giveaways on:
The love birds and pendants are wonderful. And the rocks look so very interesting. Another great blog on the magic carpet ride.
Lots of fun things up for grabs! Hope I win one!! And come on by my blog for your own chance - (#352 on the Magic Carpet).
Thanks, Patte
Super fantastic giveaway(s)! Nice work. Count me in please :) It's nice to meet you. Please stop by when you have a chance, I'm # 266 on the carpet ride :)
What a treasure trove you have hear, Queenie-girl! Be sure to count me in and stop by my OWOH giveaway too, when you have time. I also have something really special to annonce Wednesday, and I think it;s right up your alley too, so please stop by then too.
Very nice! Count me in! Thanks a lot! I'd love to win this! :]
These darling little birds are too cute. And I'm curious about the rocks. That means I'll be back once this magic carpet ride subsides.
What a wonderful artist you are!
Thank you for having a giveaway!
Happy OWOH day friend! Ooooo I so love your birdies!
Gorgeous creation!
Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, stop by and enter my giveaway, too.
All of them are great! Please enter me!
Pirjo from Finland, who also has an OWOH giveaway #338
Thank you for a chance to win such a wonderful prize!! This is so beautiful!! Amazing detail and work!! Simply Breathtaking!!
Fantastic give away! Please enter my name. G. Alexandra
Such a yummy giveaway! I'd love to be included!
Kim, I would love something of yours!
You are being very generous with your giveaways. I love your love birds. :) Thanks for the chance to win this fab giveaway.
x Natasha x
Count me in!
eyeleeeen at optonline dot net
And visit my blog; I'm #156 on this magic carpet ride, and I think you'll like my jewelry.
Oh, and I'll be out of the country and away from the internet from 2/14 to 2/20, so if I am lucky enough to win, PLEASE wait for me to claim my prize! PRETTY PLEASE!!! (LOL)
Your gifts are so wonderful, please include me in your drawing.
I have a window just waiting to hang one of those sweet birds in!
I'm participating for the first time, so stop by my blog to enter my giveaway, too!
What an awesome giveaway. I love all of your creations. Your blog is super pretty. PLease enter me in your giveaway.
All your giveaway items are very special! I would be thrilled to win any one of them!
Your birdies are so sweet, and I would love to see one hanging from my car mirror! I'm sure it would make me more tolerant of those crazy drivers out there! Thank you so much for the chance to win!
Have a great day!
I am excited to go on a magical carpet ride - what a fun way to meet new people. I love your positive energy - and the way you pass it on to all. Thank you for sharing and caring.
I love the beautiful bird Thanks so much for the opportunity to win
Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
OWOH #473
Your items are amazing!
What a great event and what a generous offering to wind some of your fabulous art!
your a bit bonkers i like that yes please love the birds
The birds are so cute! Please enter me!
Please hop on my mgaic carpet ride too. Enter my giveaway at
Great post and what a gorgeous give away, please count me in. I have something at my Blog also;o)
I love the birds. Pink is a great color for birds!
Wonderful treasures!
I love your birds - so happy and cheerful!
So glad you hopped on the OWOH magic carpet. I hope you have a chance to pop by my blog #258 on your journey.
hugs from ON, Canada
Oh my goodness it has been such a pleasure to visit your beautiful blog and the creations you are gifting are so beautiful! Thank you for a magical carpet ride!
Joanna #507
Hi Kim,
Please put my name in the hat for a bag of Rock My World Rocks. I've been a fan of yours since Squam Art Workshops!If you have time, stop by #670. Hugs from a fellow Squammie from NH. daughter saw your "rock my world" rocks and hopes I win so she can add them to her collection of fun rocks.
So many talented people. These are so unusual. I'm particularly loving that necklace. Count me in.
Thanks so much.
I love those birds, such personality!
So glad you joined the Flight!
OWOH Ticket Holder #21
Very cute birds please include me and do come see my giveaway at #75 too!
Britt :-)
Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! Please enter my drawing. I'm #387 on the magic carpet!
Lovin the birdies! All this lovely handmade goodness! Please add me to the growing list for a chance!
I love your selections of art and your blog, they are both very beautiful! Please take a moment to "ride the carpet with me" ticket number 194- Dragonfly Design Studios.
Very cute items! Please enter me :)
memoriesforlifescrapbooks at hotmail dot com
Feel free to enter my giveaway as well:
Beautiful birdies. They would look lovely next to my fabric paper birds. Please stop by my blog to see the birds I'm giving away.
I love this contest, it's fun to see all these wonderful blogs that are new to me! Great prizes!
Lovely giveaways :)
The rocks are so sweet.
Please add my name to your draw.
Awesome I love Birds.The rocks look extremely interesting.Count me in please!
Pretty birds, gorgeous necklace and fun rocks!!
Beautiful offerings (love the PW image you used) and would love to be in your drawing. Great blog!
What a beautiful blog- and I love your birds! count me in!
Your birdys are dear and the pendant fabulous. Everything you are offering is just wonderful. Thanks for the chance. God bless. Cathy #446
Your birdys are dear and the pendant fabulous. Everything you are offering is just wonderful. Thanks for the chance. God bless. Cathy #446
Those birds are lovely, thanks for the chance of winning. my blog
Ahhhh birdies with lavender! Sounds like something I love! Please enter my name and visit my blog to enter my giveaway! ♥
awww I am such a nature lover and the birds are just SO amazing!! I would absolutely LOVE to have one of them!! Thank you for this amazing giveaway! count me in, xo Mendy
Oh please count me in on your giveaway. LOVE the birds very much and am just imagining how they smell. A sweet-smelling that's heaven on earth. THanks for the opportunity to win.
what a beautiful birds and I love those rocks as well. please put my name in the hat
Hi Kim,
(Otherwise known as Queen of the Generous Rocky Fairies!!!) Add my name to the hat please. Thank you!
Auntie S.!!!!
Wow what a generous giveaway!
So of course how could I not leave a comment even though I know you are not here right now.
Birdies are beautiful as is the necklace Big Heart friend of mine.
Your birds are so sweet, and the necklace is lovely. What an amazing array of items. Thank you so much for the chance to enter your giveaway.
Jumping up and down, pick me, pick me!! hehe Please add my name for your giveaway, I'd so love to win any of your prizes:-) The birdies are absolutely delightful! Make sure you come over to enter mine, I'm #116. Thank you! xox
Lavender scented birdies...mmmm. Please sign me up for your giveaway. #276
WooHoo Kim -- I neeeeeed one of your birds. In fact, I'm going to buy one right now, lol. The green one. So I really need to win a bird to go with the green one, okay? LOL For some reason your blog isn't in my google reader. I'm putting it there right now.......done. I'll be way more in touch now :)
Georgous giveaways, love the rocks, pop my name down please and then hop on over to me @ 301 on the carpet :)
WOW, what a charming giveaway :)I LOVE the colors on your FUN! Please stop by and see me too xoxoxo
Please add me to your awesome give-a-way...m.
Such a beautiful how you share your world. Such a wonderful and bright journal page before. Also love the photos you had of your hubby with descriptions underneath. Glad I had the chance to visit your blog.
What a wonderful giveaway!! Thank you so much for the chance!
those rocks are more than ur birds too..may i stay around here for a while?
Love these giveawy goodies! thankf for offering them.
A very generous giveaway. I love your rocks!!
please enter me, and pop by my giveaway at number 671 :)
Greetings & Salutations,
Fabulous OWOH Giveaways!
Lovely Birds, Necklace & Rocks.
Super Inventive!!!
Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:
Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward
I love each and every one of your wonderful giveaways - so thanks for the chance. I hope you can come see mine (if you haven’t already!) at
Sherry from England, UK (ticket#251)
Thank you for offering this giveaway. What fun. Please enter me.
oh my, interesting 'comment' above mine, lol
Thank you for the generous blog giveaway, you had me at the cute pink lovebird :-)
I'd be thrilled with any of your prizes though, stop by my blog if you get a chance, I am # 650
All three offerings are just beautiful. This is such a generous giveaway.
What wonderfully kind and generous gifts! Please count me in. Thank you!
What a FUN giveaway I'd love to be included , stop by mine too #86
oooooh, love those birds and the necklace is great and the bag of rocks seems like something i would enjoy having. count me in pleeeeease!
what unique and clever gifts. You have much talent!
I am new to blogging (blog being built) but not to art. I hope you will include me in this wonderful giveaway!
Best of luck to all your visitors :)
Greetings from the New Jersey Shore,USA
I'm loving all your prizes....the birds are delightful, lovely necklace and I am intriqued with the rocks.
What a generous giveaway you're having. I would love to be entered in the drawing. Those birds are adorable! Thanks.
any one of these lovely gifts would be a keeper! Enter me for a chance :)
Join me on this wonderful little magic carpet ride by stopping by my blog and entering my little OWOH give away (magic carpet ride ticket #428)
Absolutely wonderful gift! Please count me in! Surely love to come back for a visit to your blog......and do pop up in my blog to see what I put on my magic carpet...*wink*...Have a nice day!
I love your gorgeous blog!!! Your artwork is fabulous! Please include me in your giveaway and be sure to come on over and enter mine!
#185 A Vintage Cottage Home!
These gifts are fantastic; would love to win any one of them! I'm 211 at OWOH, please visit.
How bright, fun and lovely your blog is...Smiles from 485..please enter me in your giveaway.
Wonderful giveaways, I'd love to be included in your draw.
Those would so get me in the mood for spring.
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.
Hi Kim,
I would love to be the lucky winner of any one of your gifts, all so different but all beautiful.
I LOVE your post with all the different paintings, very creative.
I'm having so much fun exploring all the beautiful and varied blogs, I'll be back to have a better look around when I have some more time.
I am stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, please stop on by for a visit and enter in my draw.
Hello from Southern California. OWOH
Kim generous giveaway would love to win..good luck everyone
thanks for visiting my blog
What a generous giveaway i love the hanging birds :) count me in please! pop over to my blog and enter mine too :) i'm #328
Awesome giveaway! Come visit my blog for a giveaway prize, too.
Kathy V in NM
Artful Muse (#513 OWOH)
Wow! What an awesome give away...I love each and everyone. I'd like to know more about your "Rock my World" rock bags. Pick me....waving hands in the air...wooo....hoooo!....LOL!
Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at
Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV
Nice! Count me in :)
What lovely things you make!
I totally love those love birds! Please send one to my house!!! Thank you for the chance to win.
Such wonderful gifts! Please count me in! Stop by, say hi and enter my giveaway. ☺
What lovely giveaways! Please include me in your draw.
I enjoy your blog. Thanks.
Love the cute goodies you're giving away, please enter me in the drawing
Oh..., this is divine!
Love calling in on this magical ride to all these fantastic bloggers! Thank you for your generosity! Count me in and come and visit if you can at:
For my own OWOH, I have a gorgeous Artsy Eco Linen Shoulder Bag to giveway!
Julie in Sydney, Australia xxx
Love all of your giveaways, please include me :)
Love it all! Please add my name to your drawing. And be sure to stop by #389 for my giveaway.
Soo cute goodies, I love your winderful blog.
Wienermaedl from Vienna/Austria
what lovely gifts! I love lavender!
Your birds are adorable! And the other giveaways are great as well :)
Count me in and visit my blog as well to join my giveaway too :)
Thank you
Susan, nr 821
What wonderful and clever creations! Thank you so much for your giveaway!
Amy, OWOH #680/681
Great gobs of fun these prizes are, count me in please.
Thank you for participating OWOH.
So very nice to meet you.
I love the rock my world rocks..and the birds are soo sweet! Would love a chance to win
Thanks so much
terrific prizes..thanks for the chance. do come by and visit me also.
all very cool things! please come to my blog and say hello :0)
FABULOUS offerings!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!
Angie--Southeast, Texas #57
Love your art and especially the birdies! I also heart you on etsy :-)
Please come see my blog and giveaways too. I'm #757
Marina at
Thank you for the chance to win, its lovely. Trianna from Victoria Canada.
I love the birds beautiful work
PLease visit my blgo too
Hello Kim! I love all your cool prizes! I'm wondering how you made the birds and want to make some too in my version!!! :) SO creative!
I hope you can also drop by #615!
What a great, generous giveaway! Your prizes are so fun and happy! I love it!!
What a wonderful giveaway! ^-^ Please enter me and feel free to hop over to my blog and enter mine as well!
I agree that this is an amazingly generous giveaway...and holy cow, you have all these comments! You ROCK, my Queen and Rock Fairy! I love all of your work and would be honored to have even more :)
My blog is
Peace and joy and rest, O
Very cool giveaways! I really like your art work...Very original! Please enter me for a chance to win!
What lovely items. I love birds. The necklace is beautiful. And the rocks are so pretty. I would be happy should I be lucky enough to win any of the items.
Very beautiful winnings offered my dear. The pink bird is especially dear to my heart, as is the reminder in your last post to just BE. Thanks, I needed that. xoSusan
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I love this giveaway. I meet so many wonderfully talented people along the ride. Love the rock my world stones.
enjoy OWOH
What a great give-away event! You make beautiful things!
greetings from the Netherlands
All of your gifts are absolutely beautiful! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.
Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.
beautiful, beautiful creations. One of the things i like about blogging is see all the creations of fellow bloggers
Thank you for participating in this year's OWOH event Kim. And further let me also thank you for all the kind comments you always leave me (even when I am so bad at commenting) I adore your enthusiasm AND talent. I'd be honored to enter your giveaway, that necklace is calling my name!
Big Hugs,
Count me in! What a beautiful giveaway! I'm having so much fun traveling the world on the Magic Carpet. I'm in awe of all the wonderful and talented people.
If you haven't already, pop on over to #395. That's me.
Hi Kim, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the gorgeous Love Birds and Pendant. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.
Excellent, what a great giveaway! Please enter my name! Always nice to meet up with fellow Canadians, Kim. Hope you like it in New Hampshire...I hear it is beautiful there. Please enter me in your create beautiful art and I look forward to returning to your blog. I wish you had a followers list, I would have joined. I invite you to join me on my followers list and when you get one, please let me know so I can join you as is fun to have a followers list so you can come and go to each others lists easily. Enjoy your week. Hugs, Gayle
Lovely Lovely items... please include my name...thank you.
You are so right...this is a wonderful event and chance to meet so many great people..
Thanks for stopping by
Creager Studios #411
Love your art, love your wonderful giveaways and your blog is delightful!
Please enter me in the drawing and stop by my little newer blog and say hi and enter!
I'll be back!
Washington State
So generous! Wonderful prizes.
Please add my name
OWOH #888
What a wonderful assortment of giveaways. Sign me up!
Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing!
awesome work! thanks from Tucson, robin
Greetings from Coarsegold...I don't sign up for things I think someone else will enjoy, but I'm signing up for your birds because nobody else will enjoy as much as I will...fingers crossed!!
ps...thanks for stopping by!
Love your Lovebirds! Please count me in, and do drop in to my blog to join my giveaway too, I'm #592. :)
Hi Kim, Welcome home! Please enter me in your drawing. I'd love to have any of the cool things you're offering. Be back later... Lorrie
Great and generous giveaway! please count me in. Come to enter my giveaway if you have time! (#481) =D
Let's continue the ride in the magic carpet!
Thanks for the visit! I'd love to enter your giveaway. It's been so great meeting all these fantastic people through OWOH!
hi there, count me in please
I am having so much fun riding the magic carpet, hope you are too! So happy to meet you and love your giveaway. Your birds are so sweet, the lavender is the perfect antidote to road rage, your pendant is beautiful... I am inspired to try your tutorial... Please enter my name and stop by #234 when you get a chance.
Hugs, Antonella :-)
What lovely goodies! They will make someone very happy! Please enter me for a chance to win too! My blog is in livejournal, I'm marilavado there.
marilavado (at)
What a fun giveaway.
Please count me in.
You´ve got some really fun ideas, like with the Rock my world. That is just so great! Have you ever done guerilla-art with them? Leaving them to be found by un-expecting walk-by´ers? And your birds are super-sweet. As in funky. Not romantic. :-)
Anyway, have a nice day, and visit me at #812 when you have the time :-)
Please count me in!
Rich Witch
Please visit my Blog for a Magical prize:
Beautiful prizes Kim! I would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal
Pick me Pick me! I'd love to win any of your charming creations, but I am particularly drawn to the happy birds! Greetings from the Pacific stop by for a visit.
All the best, Susan
Hi Kim!
What fantastic giveaways you've got here! Please count me in.
I'm #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. If you haven’t already done so, please stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.
Hope to see you there!
mrscmc7 at gmail dot com
Your blog is magical and I love your rocks.
Thanks for stopping at my blog on your magic carpet ride.
thnak you. I am very excited about your prizes. #690 come on by. XD
These are wonderful the birds and the pendant..
hugs, Brenda
The birds and the rocks are so magical!!
What a gorgeus giveaway!!
Such a lovely selection!
Thanks for visiting my blog Kim. I'd love it if you entered me in yours! Cheers.
You have such wonderful prizes and such a wonderful blog. Please enter me into your drawing.
What lovely and different giveaways! Please enter me in your contest and come on over to my blog-#35 and enter mine if you wish. Thanks!
Such a magical giveaway. Thank you for the chance :-)
Sadie x
Fantastic giveaways, my favorite are the rock my world rocks!
Drop in at mine when you can:
OWOH #931
Hi Kim
What a lovely blog you have.
And your gifts are amazing.
I would love to win any of them.
Please enter me into the draw.
Hi Kim,
I come flying in from the Netherlands.
Love your blog and fun giveaways!
Come fly with me to my OWOH blog (#7) at Loose Ends and take a chance on winning my giveaway too!
Your giveaways are wonderful! Thanks for stopping by my blog & so glad you enjoyed your visit with family ~ so important & of course now back with your hubby ~ enjoy & thanks again ~ Carol (artmusedog) #285
Your batik bids are wonderful. i love the pebbles. i used to make runes with pebbles from the beach.
Blessings Jx
Wow, your birds are adorable, lovely. Please count me in.
Great giveaway! Please add me to your drawing and thank you for your generosity.
What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me!
Great! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! I hope I win:) Long live OWOH!
annabell_lee_dk (at)
Thank you for inviting me to your blog and allowing me to enter your giveaway.
I am having so much fun on this magic carpet ride, traveling the world with stops at so many wonderful blogs and such talented artiaians!
When next you ride your own carpet, please make sure to stop at my own little giveaway for a chance to win 2pairs of handmade earrings.
How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
I would love to be included in your giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!
`"¹li¡|¡|¡il¹"` ☺♥☺
Kim, thanks for stopping by my giveaway #791. I love what you have chosen for a giveaway and hope I am one of the lucky winners.
OMG those birdies are SO CUTE!! Please Pick Me!! LOL
Come on over and sign up for mine as well:
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