Thursday, May 5, 2011

Share The Joy Thursday–The Green-ness

I have to honestly say that I was not overly joyous this week.

In fact, there were a few days where I was having a really hard time finding joy in anything.

Even the simple everyday graces that usually blow my mind were not doing it this week.

I get like that sometimes.

Just overwhelmed by the “bad”.

I am just so very grateful that my strength, my big heart and my love for this precious life

always prevail.

I woke up this morning feeling far more like my Self.

I also awoke to the joyous explosion !


Just two days ago, before we had a rainy day Wednesday,


all of these maple buds were on the trees.


Now they cover the deck, the backyard, and pretty much the entire neighborhood with this yellowy green carpet!

And just look what they have left behind on the trees!



New born leaves, with the most magical green-ness you can imagine.

Still like butterflies opening their wings, tender, yet ready to sway in the wind,

soak up the sun and warmth and bring it to its roots way far below,

and offer shade and homes to the birds, squirrels and other creatures on the ground below them.

Each leaf a part of one huge amazingly miraculous being.

In spite of the wounds in my heart, the scars on my world,

and the incredible sadness I feel when I think other dear hearts who are suffering and in pain,

the birth of that green-ness brought me joy deep down inside today.

And I thought I should share it with you.

One big Love, Beautiful Ones.

For some more doses of sweet Joy, head over to the wonderful Meri’s blog.


Dani said...

Are these the little buds that get stuck right in your shoes? If they are those. . .they are covering my friends back garden at the moment, and i packed my shoes into a bag yesterday only to be reminded of it by all the little green buds and leaves clinging onto the bottom of my trainers! :)

Unknown said...

Oh, how I miss *real* trees! And by that, I mean anything that's not a palm tree! Thank you for this post, it brought the green world BACK to me, and I needed this! <3

Anonymous said...

Happy that you woke feeling joyFULL! and for sharing this clip!

This is Mr R's favorite song
both by Louie
and every single rendition


Anonymous said...

It looks like you planted these , almost a yellow green bed of moss to sit on, fantastic. xox corrine

Meri said...

I believe that in sharing your joy in this natural wonder, you help heal the wounds of the world. And there are plenty to heal!

Kate Robertson said...

We don't have any buds yet but it is finally warm. Bought some plants today for my garden so that felt great. Loved seeing you over at Brave Girls.


Dawn Elliott said...

Don't you just love that almost flourescent spring green? What gorgeous photos!
I had some days like yours earlier this week...I was feeling cranky about so many things...but like you, things are looking up! Thanks for sharing your joy today.

Sherry said...

And after the darkness comes the light -- and you woke to such beauty!!! We have no leaves yet, but I know they are coming. It's been sunny all day -- how could that not lift any mood? I'm glad that you found some joy today -- revel in it!! xo

Lynn Cohen said...

Lovely natures bounty!!!

patti said...

Just beautiful Kim!

Olivia said...

We do all have days like that, don't we? And nothing seems to work, but then it passes, thank God, and I'm glad that yours passed, My Queen, and that you had such beauty to view. May your days be better and better...and as always, thank you for celebrating Share the Joy Thursday to spread your Big Love around. I know I appreciate it :)

Today I spent four hours going over some records and trying to decide if I should fire someone. Then I did and it was so hard...probably way harder for her...anyway, I needed to see this today for more than one reason. Thank you, My Queen! xoO

Robin said...

Hi! I found you thru BGC! Glad to meet another sister. I am so happy I picked today to visit your blog. I had a hard day today, and yes I let the negative outweigh the positive even tho' I know better. Reading this post gave me a wonderful new perspective on the day, new beginnings and life in general. So sorry you have had a few rough days too, but your ability to look at the "new life" in your yard and sharing that brightened my evening! Thank you!

artbrat said...

Watching spring unfold and taking time to really enjoy it is a healing gift we have available. Isn't it nice to find such pleasure and beauty in nature?

Thanks for the song, I hadn't heard of her before, but really enjoyed her rendition.


Anonymous said...

Green is my favourite colour and I love this song and this rendition of it is gorgeous!!! Thanks Darling, for your many, precious gifts. Have a wonderful day.
Love you,

Brianne said...

Yes, maples are my love. I am here under the Florida maples. I do honor the seasons (yes, Florida has them, if ever so slight) by Her ("my" Maple's) change of dress. I do so love when She dones her glorious dress of green. You describe so elequently how those green leaves look as they first are released from there dormant sleep and look like butterflies on the wind. I am so happy this was a May joy for you. Yes, Nature, reminds us there is a cycle. Peace. Brianne

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

i have a baby maple growing in my garden, it is so pretty
cheers my friend
with sangria!!!
okay that was the latest post

designer fashion accessories said...

thats awesome !! :)