Monday, March 12, 2012

A whole lotta hugging going on…


Mom with new friend, Zay.

(she tried to change his name from Monsieur Zay to Bob, but it just didin’t stick !)


Thomas with visiting dog cousin of love, Logan.


Katie, Thomas and Logan Love.


Katie and the Old Tree of the Lake.

And that is just what I captured on my iPhone during my time up north last week.

Thankfully, I was involved in a lot of the hugging too, so no pics of that.

I needed the loving very much.

People who give love need to make sure that they soak it up a lot too.


(Art journal page created at Suzanne’s place during playtime. Photo printed on my new Pogo printer by Polaroid. Such fun for an art journal keeper!))

And since, at this point in my life, I know


that Love is the answer to every question for me,

I am going to make sure I keep that flow going…


Big hugs and lots of love to you, Beautiful Ones.

Happy Monday !


Sherry said...

I'm glad that you got so many hugs yourself...and yes, those who love a lot need that for sure. Love you!!!!

iHanna said...

Lots of hugs to you then, because hugs are great, big and small. Love zay, he looks like one, and your art journal spread! a pogo sounds like fun


Unknown said...

LOVE this, love everything about it! <3

jgr said...

Great hugging pics! And Zay is very cute,
I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip.

Marit said...

Love, love, a big kiss and a lot of lot right back to you 'awesome one' ;)

Connie said...

Such a sweet post. Aren't hugs just about the best things in the world! I love your journal page, thanks for sharing, Connie

Janet said...

Right back at you! Hugs are the BEST!!

Nadeja said...

BIG HUGS to you Kimmy! Check this message out on youtube. Hope it makes yous day:
I love you so much!!!

rachel awes said...

i love hugs!!!
+ that tree hug photo is precious + love it on your art page!!
love looks so good on you, dear kim! xox

Anonymous said...

Love this page because I know how much love comes from your family. Looks like you had a marvelous family time. xox

Olivia said...

I am so glad you refilled yourself with love, My Queen! This is a good reminder about how important receiving is. Peace and even more love to you, xoO

beth said...

the only reason that there aren't any photos of you hugging or being hugged is because you hug with all your heart and sometimes hearts just need to soak in what's going on and take an internal photo instead of an external one....sheesh, did i just make any sense ?

anyhow, i love the love that you carry and hand out :)
ps....that journal page is amazing !!

Ross said...

Keep the flow of love going strong. The world so needs it and so do I.

Linda Esterley said...

big love to you, my friend! and LOOK at that snow!

Anonymous said...

Big hug back attcha! I have been giving and giving love and yep...I'm needing a hug.

Off to go find Mr R for that hug right now!!

Anonymous said...

love the size of the pogo printer, I got a little portable printer but not nearly so little nor quite as portable...

rebecca said...

your beauty fills me always in the perfect places....

i adore you!

Kate Robertson said...

Here's a hug from me... Lovely photos and I love your journal page, the colors just jump out at me. I am glad to see you had a great time.


Elizabeth Halt said...

That is so true. I am glad you soaked in the love. Sending a giant hug from me to you as well.
