Thursday, March 1, 2012

Share the Joy Thursday : The Acme of Our Own Happiness

Some days, Joy feel so abundant and easy to focus on…


as abundant as the snowflakes that fall over night, covering the tree branches with a cozy, white shawl.


Other times, when we get heavy-hearted with the “why’s” of life,

or with sadness, fears of loss, regrets…


Joy is harder to find, and much harder to focus on.

And yet that is the time when JOY is the most important for us to find.


Focusing on the joy in life helps us find meaning in our “whys”.

It helps us feel comforted in our sadness.

It helps us bring lightness back into our heavy hearts.


It helps us return to the acme of our own happiness.

(my new favorite phrase)

And to remember that in spite of the sad, bad, ugly, seemingly hopeless, moments,

we have this one precious day to truly be here in love, in life, in joy.


And what a joy there is in that.



One of my dear friends was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer yesterday.

There will be no chemo or radiation.

There will be a focus on quality of life.

Shouldn’t that be our focus every day ?

The  prescription she received as she left the doctor’s office :

“Go and live.”

I am going to follow those orders right along with her.

Be here today, Beautiful Ones, in love, in life, in joy !


For more joy sharing, visit the beautiful Meri at Meri’s Musings.



Olivia said...

Oh my, My Queen, what a beautiful message about living in the present. I am so sorry about your friend--the truth is that this could be any one of us on any day--it can happen to any of us so easily. Death is a part of life. Why not start now to "Go and live"? I will take this precious message with me today and I hope for many days.

I hope that your friend is able to have many special moments and much love in her living out this part of her life. Blessings and peace to you, xoO

Meri said...

I know your heart is heavy, even as you help your friend celebrate life even under these unfortunate circumstances. This is her time to shine her light for all she's worth.

Sherry said...

Go and live. An excellent prescription. I'll say no more here other than you are loved, you do find joy and you show others how to do exactly that. You and your friend are deeply loved. ♥

Unknown said...

Sounds like a Jesus comment. Go and Live. I love it. Blessings to you for your wise words, and prayers for your friend.

jgr said...

Dear Kim, I'm sorry about your friend. Go and Live is great advice for all of us.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this but wish you both the most fulfilled and JOYous time possible.

I have been through this, as I'm sure many have. Good advice for all of us...because we never know.

patti said...

Sending you love and hugs Kim xx And thoughts for your dear friend as she learns to live with this.

Thanks for the inspiration to find joy in every moment!

Leovi said...

Nice pictures, full of poetry, yes, I too like the snowy trees like that. I wish him well. Greetings.

Unknown said...

Praying and sending so much love and so much energy and all my very best wishes for a life well lived, and a life lived LONG!

Fallingladies said...

So sorry to hear about your friend... But go and live is such good advice, we've just had a few friends diagnosed recently as well, and the thought of how i would spend my time if i knew it was limited has been on my mind too. The challenge is to live life now as you would then, when there is so much that has to be done day to day. Good luck with your journey!

rebecca said...

beautiful message dear one...beautiful and more important than anyone can fully realize until they are the ones facing their mortality. holding you and your friend in the light of compassion and courage.
thank you for opening us each and every day to life!

deb did it said...

Kim, I am right here with you. Living life as large as possible and now a little extra for your beloved friend.

Your photos are gorgeous.

I am holding you.

love, Deb

Lynn Cohen said...

You're right, none of us know when it will be our turn. However, I am sad for your friend who now knows.
And for you too caring for your friend. Hugs to you both. And today I woke up with another day I got to enjoy. More hugs to you and your friend.

aliceinparis said...

"Go and Live" what a powerful prescription for ALL of us. (Actually I had a typo and first wrote "Go and Love"! Equally appropriate.

Unknown said...

Blessing to you and your dear friend! We all know God is in control, just be there with her sharing your love knowing our goal is just coming early for her!!! (((gentle hugs)))

Nadeja said...

Good prescription! Go and Live!!! As you know, I always pray for miracles and they come in a great variety of simple ways. Blessings of Big Love from you is one of these simple miracles. I love you my beautiful, precious one.

Robin in NJ said...

"Go and live." How moving, how loving and how sad all at the same time. I am sorry for your friend but thank you for the reminder to "go and live".

Brianne said...

You are so right. Go Live, is the prescription we should all receive each morning we awake. It should be there on the bathroom mirror as we brush our teeth; Go Live. Be most alive with your friend as you both live each day. Peace. Brianne

Elizabeth Halt said...

Oh. Kim. I am thinking of you and your dear friend. May you both be surrounded in love and comfort.