Friday, March 2, 2012

Haiku My Heart–Love Pod


Inside my Love Pod…

Trust, hope,compassion and joy .

It’s my happy place.



Going to try and hang out in my Love Pod today.

I feel like I am needing shelter from the scary, the sad, the painful.

I am grateful that the pod is always available to me,

even though sometimes it is a hard job to climb back inside it and live from within it.

A-climbing I shall go.

I hope you find your way to you own Love Pod today, Beautiful Ones.

Big Love !


More haiku my heart love at recuerda mi corazon


Sherry said...

Sometimes that is the only solution. ♥

Cindy said...

I am just poppin in to say stay in your love pod as long as you need. Thats how you build up the courage again dear friend. How does that go from the movie Help. you is kind, you is beautiful, you is important. That's how I feel when I think of you. Be well. a big Canadian hug.

Nadeja said...

Hey cutie pie...anytime you want a big loving hug, come to me...I have lots of them for you!!! Your are so very lovable.
Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

I do hope you find shelter from the uneasy and unhappy in your love pod.

thinking of you...

Elena said...

Here let me help push you into your love pod beautiful Queen. Rest, recoup and keep shining your love.

anthonynorth said...

Love pod. I like it.

peggy gatto said...

How wistful, I love it!!!

Spadoman said...

Good that you have a safe and happy place to dwell when you need it, and telling us about it with haiku. Enjoy all you can in peaceful bliss.

Much Peace sent your way

Kate Robertson said...

Wishing you some quiet contemplative time. Today I needed time alone but away from home. Since I now have to drive Hubby everywhere I get no alone time. So I am off in a cafe enjoying myself. We do what we need to do to remain whole.


Joyfulploys said...

love the idea of a love pod...I am enjoying your haikus every week...maybe, someday, I'll try my hand at it...

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Everyone needs a happy place!

Cemetery Fence

rebecca said...

i have to say i too am feeling unsettling anxiety in my heart, unhinged, vulnerable.
it is crazy windy outside...people i love are struggling with health issues, life seems overwhelmingly difficult. i rarely feel this way.
i am always the cup is overflowing...but last night, today,
i am needing shelter from the storm.

carol l mckenna said...

We all need 'time in our cave/pod' ~ the ebb and flow of the tides ~ lovely photo and haiku ~namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

beth said...

pod away sweet thing....i'm actually happy to be podding too.....xooxo

ps...if podding isn't a word, we're making it one right now, okay :)

Helen Campbell said...

Oh, I need to go into my love pod today. Thanks for sharing your wonderful haiku and "love pod".

Mary said...

Yes, refilling what you so readily give sweet Kim.

Soak it in, rest in it.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Ach. And Peh. Try as I might I can not scare a haiku out of those words. I have not been feeling very creative lately (can you tell?) and so with your FB post this morning, I can imagine you will spend another day pod-side. hugs

Chèvrefeuille said...

Everyone needs sometimes a place for his or her own to withdraw from the world. Love the idea of a Love Pod.


Marit said...

'Pot' in Dutch is 'vessel' ... I know 'pod' is something different, but the first time I read your post I pictured you in a 'pot' with your head sticking out, waving to me before you close the lid... aaaahh... stay warm and cozy and enjoy the love that's surrounding you dear sista!

lynne h said...

oh, look at that pod...

love you... : )

Fallingladies said...

Off to search for my love pod! Thanks for letting me know, you have the best ideas!