Thursday, June 21, 2012

Share the Joy Thursday – It’s all Around You

An Early Morning Conversation at The Yellow House on Orange Street

“Where are you going ?” he says,

puzzled by why she is headed out the door before her morning cup of coffee is done.

“It is Share the Joy Thursday. I am going to find joy.” she says.


Morning light on a steamy June morning.

79 degrees at 7:00am.


Light dancing with the clematis.

I see a happy face. Do you ?



Joining in the light and shadow play.


With one of my first blooms of sweet, sweet lavender.


Orange sandals on the grass.

I have these in red too.

Yes, I am a shoe whore.

But they bring me such joy !

Winking smile

She re-enters the house.

“Did you find joy ?” he asks.

“Oh, yes”, she replies, “She is so very easy to find around here.”


Indoors and out !

Meet Uta, David’s tiny piggy bank,

from the Goodwill store that had to come home the other day with us for $1.99.

Where does she get her name ?


The fact that my man is still able to be child-like in his joy

is one of the many things I adore about him.


The fact that he has the muscle to install these and

keep me from whining about the heat is an added bonus !

May the joy be abundant in your neck of the woods as well today !

Big Love, Beautiful Ones !



More Joy at Meri’s Musings every Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Uta looks pretty happy with her flower blossom. Mom looks pretty joyful too! Nice going Mr. David on the air conditioners!!! xox

Anonymous said...

You have definitely started your morning JOY-fully!!

I am taking a deep breath of joy knowing the project I should probably have said no to is done...woo hoo!!


Kathy said...

Beautiful start to the day.. loved all your Joy! Thank you...xx

Olivia said...

I love how Her Majesty ran out BEFORE her coffee to find the Joy on Thursday--and she FOUND it! Excuse me, I am running outside to do the same! xoO

Olivia said...

PS. By that I mean, I love the idea of connecting with nature first thing and spending some quiet time outside. I normally do not do this, but have been prompted a bajillion ways to do so lately, and this post is just putting me over the edge. So off I go to rest in the glory of the morning, which here is spectacular, as it almost feels like summer in the Pacific Northwest! xoO

Kristina said...

I did the same thing today. At 5:48 I was on a walk in my pyjamas enjoying an already steamy morning. I poked around my garden that's just bursting into life. I sure find joy in that! Yea summer!!

bacon said...

So much joy to be found, and to be shared. Thank you.

eb said...

and lavender
joy girl

xox - eb.

Meri said...

I am jumping for joy that you have a joy-man in your life, that Joy lives so close to your heart, and that you can play in the shadows even in heat like that.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful joyful pictures! Thank you! Cathy

Unknown said...

Did you feel me following your joyfind trip? I was out early too. The first thing I do after I get my cuppa is head for the deck. Winter or summer. Love the lavender.

Fallingladies said...

What a lovely joy trip! It's always wonderful to see, i love my clematis and lavender too!

Nadeja said...

Hello Joyful one!!!
May your day be filled with love
As you share yourSelf!
I love you,

Unknown said...

So many, many joys all around us if we just "see".
You've done a great job...
yes, I see the face (love faces).

Cheryl said...

Wonderful! Uta is a treasure as is your man for having a wicked sense of humour.

Sherry said...

I love how the joy you seek is never far from home!!! xoxo