Thursday, June 14, 2012

Share the Joy Thursday–Ask for the Magic

So how does one end up spending 4 days in a house like this :


with an amazing arty hostess like this :


with beautiful views of Lake Champlain like this :



and get totally immersed in the creative process so as to produce smiles like these ?


Well,  you Ask !

My brave and beautiful friend Colleen proposed such a gathering to artist Elizabeth Bunsen  just at a time when Elizabeth was working on fulfilling her own dreams of hosting small groups of artists for intimate “e.b. immersion workshops” at her family’s lake house in Charlotte, VT.

Don’t you love it when things just come together so well ?!!!

So Colleen and I headed 3 hours north of home and had a dream play time with an amazingly talented and extremely generous teacher in a beautiful and inspiring setting.

We learned about dyeing natural protein fibers like silk and wool in bundles of eucalyptus and other treats :


that resulted in beautiful fabric bits to die for !


We learned that rusted pieces of metal of all kinds




can create treasured pieces of fabric



and paper to fill your stashes.


And so can ordinary bleach, with some simple tools at hand, and some imagination.



We gathered stripy rocks on the lakeshore

(You know how much the Rock Fairy adored this !!!)



and brought them home to give them some special treatment.



And then for the grand finale,

we gathered all the sweet bits and bobs we had created,

and with some beeswax and loving guidance from the teacher of my heart, Elizabeth,

we created

our own little masterpieces!


 “Home of  Eucalyptus and Rust ” ,

my little pamphlet bound journal.


The front cover of  fabric, leaves and rusted pieces sealed in bees wax


and inner pages of painted papers and rusty results,


were all inspired by the wrapped rock posing in the center.


The back cover is sealed in wax as well, with bits of fabric, chinese lantern pods and a rusted coffee filter.


The lovely piece of eucalyptus dyed silk on the right will serve as the journal’s covering.


I am so inspired by the process, the materials and the results of my time with e.b., that I have already purchased eucalyptus, bees wax and an electric skillet,


as well as started making rock wrapping a new part of my Rock Fairy love !


And believe it or not, the art and creative time was only part of the magic that our threesome shared.

The safe and inspiring environment, along with Elizabeth’s generous and open heart and mind, allowed for some wonderful sharing of our life experiences and a great bond of trust to develop. Our time together was so very good for the mind, body and soul.

So perhaps you find yourself in need of this kind of amazingly creative and spiritually uplifting art adventure ? Maybe the beautiful nature and shores of the Lake Champlain,Vermont are calling you ?

I wholehearted suggest you get in contact with the beautiful Elizabeth and  ASK.


There may just be a magical  room with a view waiting for you too.



I love you, Colleen. Thank you for helping me to say yes to this once in a life time adventure.

I love you, Elizabeth, as a master teacher and most of all, as a kindred Heart.


For more of this week’s joy, visit Meri’s Musings



rebecca said...

let me say this...
knowing that you were all together
under the be*dream*play wings of lovely elizabeth
wrapped my heart in complete JOY for the happiness of it all!

dreams do come true!

Sueann said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! I love love love what came from this wonderful meeting!! And the wrapped rocks...oh my!! Heart them for sure!

bacon said...

So much JOY you have shared on this "Share the Joy Thursday!" Thank you for each picture and each word. And omg that fabric - so delicious!

Sherry said...

Oh dear heart. Aside from the beautiful and creative art that you immersed yourself in, it is more about being with kindred spirits, of asking the universe for what you need and being answered. Your open heart met another open heart, but for all the heart sharing you do and the love you give, there is always something to come back to you. This retreat was it. You were with a dear friend and discovered another dear friend. The art was "something to do", the talking and the sharing of stories and the bonding...that was the true experience. I am so glad for you! xoxox

Olivia said...

So beautiful, My Queen! So, so beautiful! Both the gorgeous art, the setting, the people. I like what you did and I am betting it will infuse your art with even more beauty since you have been there. xoO

Jaime Haney said...

Oh wow this was magical. It sounds like you had an absolute magical and dreamy time. I have dreams of similar situations. Time one on one with other creative and like minded people is good for the soul. I loved how your journal turned out and I am in love with the rusty stamping especially on that teal colored fabric! I'm glad you had such a great time.

Snap said...

Magnificent ... in so many wonderful ways ... an adventure for the soul.

Unknown said...

Much joy came to my heart in your telling of your experience. Rock wrapping. I have all the things to do that with. Been learning making wire jewelry and might give this idea a twist. Love your work.

Anonymous said...

Quite a wonderful experience by the shores in upper VT. Love your book and I know you will fill it with glorious wishes and dreams. xox

jgr said...

What an amazing time you had, and I love the paper and fabric beauties! And that book - and the wrapped rocks. It's fantastic, all of it!

beth said...

this is such a beautiful post both visually and emotionally.....because honestly, i could feel you with the words you typed and the love that saturated them....xooxoxo

patti said...

What an amazing time you had! The arty vibe will stay with you for a long while I'm sure! Love your rocks as always Kim!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Oh my!!!! Lucky your!!! Scenic pictures are beautiful and how wonderful to play with so may fabrics...Well done!!! Cathy

Anonymous said...

Kim! I am swimming in the heady goodness of your time with eb! I am sitting...for hours! at the dallas airport and imaging myself there sharing this experience with you all .....

Anonymous said...

Kim! I am swimming in the heady goodness of your time with eb! I am sitting...for hours! at the dallas airport and imaging myself there sharing this experience with you all .....

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Once upon a time, many years ago, I lived in Montpelier and made peregrinations to Lake Champlain--a wondrous place! No wonder you were able to engage in creative endeavors with abandon!

Sky Through Fence

Noner said...

That looked like an amazing retreat, and some beautiful things were created there!

rachel awes said...

looks heavenly
+ LOVE your
rock wrapping!!

Anonymous said...

Upon your return, you said that you had no words to describe your time with "EB" and now I see what you mean. Your post takes words away and creates an experience! Thank you so much to the three of you who created peace, joy, and love on earth. I love you, Mom

eb said...

basking still
in the glow we created together
us three
energy bundles whirling
creative dervishes
yes Ganesha
obstacles removed

love love love to you
rock fairy magic,

xox - eb.

Amanda St.Clair said...

Love the rock wrapping and silk journal covers. Gorgeous just like you! :-)


Unknown said...

amazing. AMAZING. Wow! <3

Joanna said...

Beautiful piece!!! You said you bought eucalyptus leaves -- can you tell me where I can buy them?