Thursday, May 15, 2014

Share The Joy Thursday–Even in the Chaos…

From this weeks Joy List…

I’m expecting an unexpected visit from this little hug bandit and his momma today !


It has been about a month since I have seen Jayden.

He turned six months this week.

Time is going so very quickly !


Look at him loving on the monkey I gave him, even in his sleep !

Makes my heart shine !

Can’t wait to smooch him !



These are some details of my 24 X 48” canvas that I am working of for my friend Suzanne.

I am thrilled that in the midst of all the chaos of packing, getting this house ready for renting, and planning our cross country move,

I still managed to get this piece to a place I am really excited about.

Hoping Suzy loves it too !

She arrives Sunday to help with some of our hundreds of little jobs that need doing before June,

and I hope to have

“My Garden is a work in progress” completed for her by then.


My white lilacs are in bloom and their scent is just heavenly !

I am glad we are moving after my favorite spring flowers have graced us with their presence.

Spring in New England is truly remarkable.


Focusing on the joys and the multitude of little things that are good sure helps keep you grounded in the present moment.

And believe me, I am very grateful for that during this busy, busy time.

Share the joy today, Beautiful Ones !


Visit Love, Meri every Thursday.


Unknown said...

Kimie, Kimie, Kimie
It's soooooooooooooo beautifull. It's colorful and happy. the perfect, perfect painting for me
I love it already. I'm so happy
We have to fine a name for the painting but wright now it's call I'm soooooo happy

Anonymous said...

you are staying amazinging grounded and productive in this busy time. You will sunshine and JOY to Florida.


Leovi said...

A beautiful creation, beautiful colors! A very handsome baby!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Having a visit from that beautiful boy is a joyful gift!
I agree with Steph, you ARE staying amazingly grounded and productive.
Your painting would thrill any recipient well as your big, loving heart.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful post for Share the Joy ~ baby is adorable ~ artwork a treasure and good luck with your move ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Hazel said...

Hug bandit! I love the way you put it. Jayden is adorable.

Meri said...

Sounds like you're busy, busy, busy these days. And aren't lilacs just the best smell?

Jess said...

Gorgeous Paintings Kim! Enjoy your visit today! x

Fallingladies said...

so much going on here sine i last stopped by, a move to Florida, wow!!!! i am excited for you... a wonderful painting as well! good luck with the move!

Joyfulploys said...

Hi Kim...I have been catching up on your blog. I love the Mother's Day post with your mother. I hope your move transition goes very smoothly...I bet you will love Florida. Little Jayden is so cute! and last of all...the painting is turning out so wonderful...your friend Suzanne will love it!!!