Thursday, December 29, 2011

Share the Joy of Christmas !

My Christmas visit back home to Canada was full of incredible moments of joy !

I received a beautiful gift from my friend Suzanne who gave the Chica-dog a cozy and fun place to stay over the weekend.

I sat in an old wooden church lit with candles and sang along with Christmas hymns and carols with all the joy in my heart.

I got to watch the joy of the kiddos opening gifts from Santa, and others who love them to bits !



I got to see my beautiful 20 year old niece, Jessica, shine so brightly with the glow of her first real love.

I witnessed a family come together in action, patience and kindness when the amazingly beautiful 13 pound rib roast almost hit the floor and the cooking juices spilled all over the kitchen.

I, as always when I go home, felt the joy of how beautiful my family is and how we love each other so well, in spite of our differences and our imperfections.

I felt the peace of having my life partner, my best friend and my Love beside me through it all, appreciating and soaking in the joy himself.


I even witnessed a little Christmas miracle when my frozen windshield washer fluid that had been stuck for two days, started to flow just after I had silently prayed it would, and exactly when I so needed it to on the slush-filled highway!

And the sweetest of all the joy-filled moments and my most memorable gift of Christmas 2011 was given to me my this little guy who eats from my sister Kristina’s bird feeder in the gorgeous cedar in her front yard :


This precious little creature trusted me enough to land in my hand and eat sunflower seeds from my finger tips!


I cannot tell you how thrilled, touched and awed I was by this simple moment.

It is going to live in my heart forever, I think.

This joyous Christmas time reminded me once more that when you start to notice and celebrate the small moments of joy in your life, they increase exponentially ! They really do !

And what could be sweeter than a life full of JOY to share ?

I wish you beautiful moments of joy and celebration, my Friends.

Big, big love !



More joy at Meri’s Musings


Unknown said...

*oh* The bird! What a GIFT!! <3 <3 Thank you for sharing, it made me feel magical possibility, which I needed today!

Kate Robertson said...

Lovely post. I do love the pic of you feeding the bird. Definitely my favorite.

Olivia said...

Thank you for sharing your joy with us, My Queen! The little birdie must have sensed the Big Love and felt safe. That is extremely precious. What a lovely Christmas you had--from your pet sitter friend to the church and family and husband and many moments of grace.

I got a special message from Your Majesty yesterday and that made my day, Thank You!

I was thinking about this post today and I do think that just like you provided the space of safety for the bird, for many of us family provides a safe place to be and feed and celebrate and thrive in the cold world and to sing our song.

For others of us, the Universe/God provides the safety and the warmth in the cold to still sing our song and still be fed, and keeps us safe from predator families and heals us from the grief of families that have rejected us. We can still and always sing our song and be attracted to points of shelter and love and warmth where we can sing and be and thrive. We are always cared for.

Peace and joy to you, My Queen, and again, thank you for sharing your Big Love! xoO

Lynn Cohen said...

Glad you had such a sweet time.
Wishing you everything good in 2012.Will continue to come here and check in and see how it's going and what you are creating. Thanks for coming to mine. ;-)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Christmas is always such a special time for the family to be together. Sweet picture of the bird- they are usually so skittery.

Sherry said...

I think your Queen sized heart was full to bursting over this beautiful Christmas time....being with loved ones, sharing the joys (and the near mishaps with the meal which you will all laugh about in years to come!) and having the love return to you as that bird trusted you to feed it. Nothing is better. The simple acts in life. They bring joy like nothing else can.

You are so blessed!! xo

beth said...

OMG....feeding that bird from your cool is that. what a gift is right !!

and family really is the best thing ever isn't it !!

Meri said...

I am awed by the sight of that trusting little bird in your outstretched hand. He must know how much love and joy you carry in your heart. Your Christmas sounds perfect, dear Queen. I'm thrilled for your niece and her first love, and for you and your forever love.

Happy New Year!

Priti Lisa said...

That's incredible Kim!
Just like St. are an instrument of Peace. ♥♥♥

foxysue said...

I loved reading about your joy, reminded me of mine. My parents are long gone but on Christmas day I shed a little tear as my son found me some very old Christmas tunes on Spotify, the memories flooded back of them singing together when I was a child.

Thank you,

Sue x

She Who Doodles said...

awesome, such a pretty little bird and how trusting he was of you. great memory.

lynne h said...

the little chickadee on your hand, kim!! my oh my!!!


Fallingladies said...

Wow, wow, that's amazing! So cool you even got a pic of it!

Nadeja said...

AHHHHH! So Sweet! So glad to have a part of this beautiful time of celebration. Thank you for the beautiful pictures and words.
I love you, Mom

jgr said...

Lovely post, Kim. So glad you could be with your family for Christmas and I love the birdie eating from your hand--awesome. Wishing you much JOY in the new year.

rebecca said...

dear kim,

you have filled me with the simple jOY of family. all of your heart songs of gratitude so deep rooted in the fertile soil of trust. your little snow bird icing on the very top!

thank you for each ray of perfect light you shine so generously in all our hearts.

i love you! happy new year!

Anonymous said...

So many little miracles...that grow into a lot of happiness!

Happy for your merry Christmas and here's to a happy healthy creative new year!