Friday, June 22, 2012

Haiku My Heart–Earth Gift


bees wax, glass, cotton

eucalyptus, lavender,

silk. Mother Earth’s gifts rock.


I cannot express how inspired I am by what I learned and experienced with e.b.


I have been dreaming about earthy bundles and pots simmering with eucalyptus scents.

I get up in the morning and fall in love with members of my rock families. They call out to me from their bowls, “Choose me to wrap, choose me !”

And I listen.

I have so much more exploring and experimenting to do and I now have gathered all that I need to do just that.


some other loves are calling me too.


I am heading out this weekend to spend some time with some of my favorite kids on the planet,

Thomas and Katie in La Conception, Quebec.

We will have some arty time, some giggling time and hopefully a lot of outside enjoying nature by the Lac Vezeau time.

(Maybe gathering some more goodies for later experiments too! They have nice rocks in Quebec too. )

I am so excited to see them! It has been too long !

And on my way up north, there may just be a tiny bit of a detour to the shore of Lake Champlain,

to share some time with my new girlfriend and keep the inspiration flowing too ! Hee !


Yes! I know how very blessed I am !

Happy, Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones !

Catch you on the rebound !


Mary said...

You fill your life well!

I have a lavender plant on my front porch, the smell is amazing, warm and earthy.

Have fun!

tami said...

luckylucky girl : ) Have a most wonderful time!

Laura said...

Oh so love the earth gifts.

rebecca said...

please give e.b. a giant hug from me!
i love that you are keeping this creative circle growing. thank you too for your constant presence of love here at haiku my heart. you are a beautiful bright light in all our hearts.

carol l mckenna said...

Have a wonderful time ~ Absolutely love your 'art rocks' ~ they are so wonderful! ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

give her a hug from me ARE a lucky one.

Have a fabulous trip!!


Barbara said...

Happy Friday to you!
Enjoy your trip.

Olivia said...

Have a wonderful trip, My Queen! You have been traveling quite a bit this year, no? I hope you enjoy yourself, xoO

eb said...

so many gifts!
see you soon...

xox - eb.

Karen said...

Eucalyptus is one of my favourite scents! Have a great time, and happy rock collecting!

Rachel said...

I love the smell of lavender and eucalyptus, have a great time!

beth said...

ahhhh sweet thing....have the best visit and lucky you to be able to gather up even more inspiration on your travels.....xoox

Cheryl said...

Gorgeous photo and haiku totally rocks.

jgr said...

Such wonderful treasures! Have a great weekend, dear Queen!

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Sweet! All of it! So much to love, so much to explore! Safe travels, Kimmypoo.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I find myself collecting nature's gifts as I walk in out-of-the-way places.

Razor Wire

Mark said...

I accept such gifts joyfully!

How Did This Happen?

Dawn Elliott said...

How beautiful is it that you can get away to see loved ones! And by the way - great haiku today!!!

rachel awes said...

i love all you are drawn to
+ what you make with it.

Grace said...

Lovely crafts ~ Enjoy your weekend ~

Commuter's Journal said...

I am SO happy for you, Kim! It does my heart good to hear all the joy you are receiving -- but why not? -- our Rock Fairy spreads happiness wherever she goes. And in combination with the amazing eb? Well, that's just magic.

May the joyous grand artistic adventure continue!

Sherry said...

Enjoy the moments with the kiddos...I'm certain that they have missed you too!!

And yes, a stop in Vt. to visit your new friend would be a lovely addition to your travels.

Big hugs! xoxo

Marit said...

I'm so happy to see you play with earth, wax, rocks and let your soul soar above all that... YOU ROCK! Enjoy the weekend and all the love that surrounds you dear!

Nadeja said...

Keep'm'coming!!!! Sweetness, joy, abundance, love, courage, care, wisdom, loveliness and so much more. One can never run out of wonderful words that are evoked by your kindness in sharing your world in these blogs. Thank you Kimmy. Keep'm'coming!!!! I love you, mom

Elena said...

I've been away and I MISSED YOU! I just love coming to see what's up in Queendom and oh my I have missed alot. Hugs sweet lady!

Dianne said...

Kim... I've been on a break from my art blog for a while. I can't tell you how much I have missed your inspiration, your lovely words, your amazing art and your big love! I'm back now and will be visiting often. I may even do some Friday haiku again...
Diann from Pieces of D