Friday, November 23, 2012

Haiku My Heart–She loved them all


Orange lanterns, blue


Hydrangea, sweet, small birds,


Bittersweet. Loves all.



Love and light to the tender hearts of my friend Elizabeth and her family, who saw her mom, Christine, through the end of her journey on Earth last night.

Gentle flight home, Beautiful Christine.



Haiku my Heart at recuerda mi corazon


deb did it said...

sweet love and holding hugs to e.b.
and you, my dear sweet loving kind friend

Delphyne said...

Oh, my - how beautiful is that altar and your words to go with it. Condolences on the loss of your friend, Christine.

Sherry said...

Your words and your altar bring a feeling of peace and joy -- of a life well lived and well loved. Many blessings and sympathies to Elizabeth and her family.

Laura said...

so tender and truly loving Kim.

Fallingladies said...

Beautiful altar created for a friend, and loving words!

Lea said...

My heart aches with your tender words and loving altar... gentle flight to such a beautiful woman... and all my love you, and her family and friends...

WabiSabi said...

What a beautiful tribute to your friend and her mother. Gentle flight indeed.

Anonymous said...

I had no difficult yet how special to have been with her, to help her on her way.


Nadeja said...

Holding you heart as you hold your friend's. Love to your friend and her family during this very tender time. Beautiful alter and prayer!
I love you, mom

Kate Robertson said...

A beautiful tribute. Godspeed to Christine, and hugs to E. B.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Love abounds here.

Desert Monk

gma said...

Beautiful placement embedded with LOVE.

rebecca said...

oh...the love and the light of your sweet repose
hover on each syllable.
may christine fly free
may elizabeth know she loved them all.

Sueann said...

Gentle hugs to you my friend and hugs and prayers for the family!

Mark said...

What she loved will never be forgotten...neither will she...

Birches Haiku

Marit said...

All kinds of treasures
a beautiful collection
Carefully layed down

Love your photos and haiku today Kim!

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely creation in photo and delightful haiku ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Wow, I missed this post somehow. So poetic, my friend. You are honing your heart with your words.

Erin K said...

Beautiful, beautiful words to go with such a gorgeous alter. Love and sweet hugs. <3

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

a beautiful and bittersweet tribute to a woman who so obviously loved and was loved ...

Meri said...

Lovely! and don't you just hate the spam comments. . . I weed out half a dozen each day.

eb said...

dear Kim
you have warmed
this heavy heart
with your gracious
and abundant love
thank you
dear Friend...

xox - eb.