Friday, September 6, 2013

Haiku My Heart - September arrived.

Subtle light changes
Cool sleeps, long sleeves, maybe socks ?
My September blues.

Yes, folks, September has arrived.
Most of you are already fully aware of this and coping, or possibly even enjoying !.
I have somehow just become clued into it this morning as I shivered in my own kitchen for the first time in a very long time.
It was 46 degrees outside and the windows were all open in summertime mode.
I have had a really good summer.
But it feels like I just got started !

I do love Fall very much, but it seems to have been sprung on me somehow.

Ah well...

I will take comfort in my stitching and creative juicy stuff,

and maybe just a few too many of these new found treasures.
I am enjoying play time this month with Deb Taylor and her awesome Mish Mash gang.
Plus no more flipflops will mean it's time for red cowgirl boots !
Hope your September 2013 is treating you well, Beautiful Ones.
Big love !
for more haiku beauty, visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon


Anonymous said...

For sure...the pluses and the minuses of moving from one season to the next. I'll miss my flip flops but I loves my boots!! And I too am enjoying "Mish Mash" -- it's the "playing" that I so very much need right now. Have a beautiful weekend, beautiful you! xo

MB Shaw said...

Ah, lovely! Now I gotta track down that Dove candy, I haven't seen it before and it looks YUM. Pusher :)

iHanna said...

Happy September! Seeing your embroidery makes me miss mine. It's been in a dry spell, maybe I will look at it again soon.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend too!

Priti Lisa said...

Treasure Box!!!
Oh Kim, everything is so pretty and blue, even those candy wrappers.
I loved your haiku,
I know exactly what you mean.
Let's both try really hard this winter to stay with blue as in color and not the mood.
I was thinking that since we didn't really have spring or summer, maybe we won't really have winter either...
it could happen :)
Did I tell you your stitchin' is bitchin' ???

arlene said...

What a gorgeous "mish mash" of stitching and pretties you have created! And yes, *sigh* fall is here. My only consolation is that I can get out my boots and wrap up in an awesome sweater.

Kate Robertson said...

Well you are the second person who mention Mish Mash this morning. I hadn't heard of the course or the artist before. It looks like you'll be having some fun.

Love seeing all your wonderful projects.


Anonymous said...

You will be marvelous in red cowboy boots. Lovely work - really lovely as you transition into Fall. xox

Anonymous said...

O great, just what I need--another chocolate addiction. Well, thanks Kim ;-)
I love seeing what you have been up to with your felt and your string and you stones. Always a pleasure.
I too am a little unnerved by the certain coming of Autumn. I love the variety of the season, but we had such a wet summer and it is finally drying out and feeling like August, still ~ boooooo. I will get over myself soon enough. Enjoy your playtime!

deb did it said...

I can hardly imagine 40-anyhing-ish degrees. But your post is full of warm cozy goodness...from chocolate to yummie fiber arts to mishing and mashing ( thank you for the shout out! )
Kim your artwork in fiber is so crazy good. Delicious and beautiful.

Thank you for being a such a supportive friend to me. I appreciate you playing along in Mish Mash!!

Fallingladies said...

What a lovely box of treasures! I am right there with you on wishing time didn't fly so fast, but i AM enjoying the cooler weather, humidity is not for me!

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Yes, yes, yes, Kimmypoo. I feel all these sentiments too. It has been a short summer and now an early and cold autumn. Grrrrr. I loved seeing you nap with your favourite beings today. I am hoping I have enough in my toolbox to work with this early autumn. I also have new things on my plate but trying, as always, to juggle them all. Creativity first, right?!


Anonymous said...

no fall here...Sept came in with record heat

lovely remnants of summer love and autumn will be just as juicy

I'm guessing
come see my new labor of finally

henrysmom said...

it was the best summer ever...i got to come visit you! SW!
i love the cool breezes of fall, and the smells and crunchy leaves. Am excited to watch Henry explore his first fall.
see you soon again!!

somepinkflowers said...


it is 89 outside
in my butterfly*filled garden !!

(( still wearing flip*flops
down here, missy ))

isn't life fun
with geography
& seasons
& such !!

how lovely you are taking
Deb's workshop
& having The Best Time !!

{{ she is filled herself with such
jOy & enthusiasm
i have High Hopes
of seeing both her & Rebecca
next month !! }}

i have to say ::
your rocks & stitching colors
are my Favs ...

that brown
that blue
your stitches