Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where I create Joy…

One of the places that brings me the most joy is my studio.

It is in fact the place that I create joy while I joyfully create.

You get it.

I love this space.


I know I am very lucky to have this whole space just for me to create in.

It is a good sized room with a big bay window and patio doors that open onto the back deck.

It is often a real mess, as I have lots of things in process and hate to stop to clean.

But I am as happy as the proverbial “piggy in do-do” in this space anyway…


The top of my paper dresser – 6 drawers filled with paper of all kinds.

The top serves as an altar some days, or extra space to pile things on others…


My bay window filled with plants to give me privacy from the neighbors in the winter .

The hibicus in the blue pot is about 5 years old and has tons of buds on it right now ready to burst !

The 9 foot table expanse is a kitchen counter top resting on two side tables from Ikea.

It always seems to get full of stuff though I have cleaned and organized everything so that everything has a place to go


I just have to take the time to put it there after I use it…

which I do about every two weeks, or when I start to feel like I can’t find anything, or when a guest is coming over…


I love the light from and the view onto the back deck but during the winter when the trees are bare, the morning sun is so bright, I can’t see the computer screen or paint at my desk.

I put up two sarongs from Mexico to serve as curtains in the winter but in the summer, I let all the light in. The leaves on the huge maples out side filter it a lot.


Happy artist in the sunlight…


I have a second desk for my computer, printer, full spectrum lamp, and the crazy, kick-ass Bose speakers that David, my gadget man, bought for us recently. I say bought for us, but they hang out here most of the time. Believe me, once you have heard the sound of your favorite tune on Bose speakers, you will have a hard time going back ! Wowza !

Lately, I have been listen to this one, full blast and singing a long…

I have to share my joyful studio garb this morning too.


This is my crazy tunic that was originally all black and from Old Navy.

When I went to Florida in January, Beth, Deb, Debi, Laurie and I did a little project with hand prints in white paint.

There was a lot of white paint left on my hands, and I just couldn’t resist.

I grabbed my own boobs and left these perfect prints on the top.


Deb added some little bits of fabric to the shirt for me and a little sign on the back that reads “beautiful”.


With that top on, black leggings and my worn out old El Naturalista green clogs/slippers,

I feel like me

and I am ready to create…

And create I do…

I always love creating.

My art is the one place where I am really quite fearless and just get into the process completely joyfully.

I rarely have a preconceived notion of what will come.

I just go with the flow.

Sometimes a piece comes out of me

that makes me feel like it is being given to me

by some force Greater than my Self.

The piece I completed this morning was like that.



Looking at this piece fills me with joy.

It makes me feel like I know my Artist Self.

It makes me want to go and create some more ! ;)



– collage/acrylic/watercolor paint on canvas – February, 2011

For more joy sharing, make sure to visit Meri’s Musings !

Happy Thursday, Joyful Ones !


Meri said...

This post is marvelous -- I feel like I've just come over for a visit and we've sipped tea and munched shortbread and played paper dolls. I love your creative space and your creative spirit!

Sherry said...

Well, you know I love your studio...and I have the pleasure of actually having been "in" this sacred sanctuary of artistic bliss and creativity!!!

I love what you did with your shirt -- I can see you doing it -- you'd have been crazy not to!!!! xoxox

Susie Riley said...

I am running out, RIGHT NOW, to get me a black tee shirt and white paint... for a little fun with the Rickster tonight...

Thanks for the idea - and thanks for the tour of your creative space! Can't wait to visit in person!! xoxos

Anonymous said...

One of my VERY favorite past times...peeking inside people spaces! Yours is wonderful and so FULL of color and creativity.

I have those same very very favorites.

jgr said...

Love the pics of your studio, I feel like I've almost been there. Your shirt is hilarious!! Thanks for the tour and the laugh!

Poetryqn said...

Oh, I envy your creative space! (I'm still on the dining room table, I'm afraid.) Your black tunic made me laugh out loud - PERFECT FUN! And your dear lady with the winged hearts just made my own heart split open. Thanks so much for sharing the joy!


Kate Robertson said...

A most marvelous post. You must be over the blues now. Your studio is wonderful. I sort a wish mine were bigger or had great light like that. I am in the basement so their is very little natural light.

I love the black tunic with the hands, it reminds me of a scene out of a Kris Radish novel. If you haven't read her you need to. Her novels are full of women like us.

To say I love "Fireflies" would be an understatement, It seems like a self portrait to me. You could offer prints or cards of that piece and I think they would really sell. Your art is awesome.


Olivia said...

YOU come out in your studio, My Queen, and how wonderful that is! Thank you for showing us the space where the magic happens. I love the piece you did this morning; it does indeed look divinely inspired. xoO

patti said...

A beautiful space Kim! Love the light, the plants, the sarongs hanging at the window.... A true reflection of you, the artist! Thanks for the inspiration!

Lynn Cohen said...

Enjoyed the romp through your studio....this isn't a mess, it's a work of art in progress!

Love the earrings too!

deb did it said...

Of course you are full of JOY when inside this amazing space! I want to be there right now, getting all inky and silly with you. I'll bring the wine. But now I want cool shoes like you....and I sincerely love using sarongs for curtains, I use them here fabric stain-glass.
These paintings with wings are so fantabulous...they bring me JOY!

Unknown said...

I LOVE your studio- it feels so earthy and bright. Love the plants. I should bring some of mine inside... I only get bright morning sun (very early, then it passes over the top of the house) so it's kind of shady/shadowy the rest of the day. But I am grateful to have a studio at all (especially one with a sink and counter!) so it's just a matter of perspective :)

gma said...

mmmm love your space. Really inspiring. What mess? Looks like a fun place.Joyful painting too.
yay for You !

Elena said...

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! the studio, the cool stuff and supplies, the artwork scattered about and on your walls, the earrings, Pink, the shoes, the shirt (hee hee) and most perfect Fireflies. Awesome post. Looks like that walk was just what you needed.

tami said...

what a wonderful journey thru your space - i love open window with sunlight streaming thru - and LOVE your shirt!

Cindy said...

Kim good for you, so glad you had a chance to be. I love your shirt too, sometimes I think we could be twins. I was going to paint today but my kitchen sink blew the hot water tap and I had water everywhere, so I am glad to know you got to play. hugs to you.

rebecca said...

dear one....
thank you for filling me with your delicious jOy! lovely lovely you and all things that come from your heart.

young-eclectic-encounters said...

So glad to have found your blog- wqhat a delightful uplifting blog it is. I will be back
Johnina :^A

Joanne Huffman said...

I love your studio and have many of the same feelings about my studio. Your Fireflies piece is full of joy and delightful.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Sometimes my idea of a perfect altar is covered in art materials. Sometimes it's bare. How lovely to see such bursts of color in this grey-ish white-ish time. Great idea about the sarongs for the windows - I've been looking for some easy curtains for my bedroom since my blinds are broken and I don't sew. Sun, sun, sun! How we revel in it. We are on the downslope of winter now, Kimmypoo, we've almost made it!

Carmen said...

your majesty,
i read this post yesterday but i was too crazy busy and couldn't leave you a comment
i smiled BIG time for sure
it was so full and rich of you
i felt so related to you in so many ways although my boobs are not as big as yours te-hee!
my daughter and love pink so that was also a cool thing to see here and yes you sre right about the speakers, lol
blessed your heart and family too
have a safe happy weekend!

Marit said...

Thanks for the tour through your crafting space... it's very inspiring to look into others rooms and one day, I hope to have mine. I love the light coming in and the sarongs in front of the window - that's something I would do too... Your last painting is truly a masterpiece, love it sooo much!!! Enjoy your weekend dear!

Elizabeth Halt said...

Best shirt ever.

I felt like I was walking through your studio with you! So fun.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Seth said...

Amazing, inspiring, absolutely joyful place to create. Thanks for the tour. And what a wonderful painting as well!