Friday, January 28, 2011

Haiku My Heart–Tender Heart


You of Tender Heart

Remember show Compassion

For your own sweet Self.


Have a wonderful weekend, beautiful Ones !

For more haiku my heart, got thee to Rebecca’s beautiful blog.


Olivia said...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend too, My Queen. What a pretty painting of your sweet and tender heart, and a beautiful haiku. I am wondering what this lesson of self-compassion takes so many, many years to learn. But glad that at some point we realize its importance. Much love to you, Kim, xoO

Tammy Lee Bradley said...

Lovely. You and the words. Have a delightful weekend. xo tam

Carmen said...

i really love this one liner technique

have a wonderful weekend!

Kim said...

Ah yes, the one person we often overlook - ourselves. But there is enough compassion to go around so help yourself to a heaping serving!

Spadoman said...

This is a very important message. Thankls for posting it. It is a reminder to take care of ourselves so we can show love and compassion to others. I think that equals Peace.
Is that your art work on this post? I love it! Curvy lines, cool colors. Good stuff.


E said...

The words and art are beautiful. And give a comforting message. Have a wonderful week.

jgr said...

I am loving your line work Kim. Thank you for the beautiful message as always. Have a great weekend-64˚ here tomorrow- YAY!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Hi sweet lady! What a lovely Haiku and post! You leave us the most beautiful thought and images to take with us for the day. Have you ever seen the work of fIDOArt? This image reminds me very much of his work and he is one of my favorite artists. If you haven's seen his work, you should visit him - I think you'll really like him. (you can find him in my blogs links on my blog)

Anonymous said...

lovely self portrait!

and your rocks rock


Sueann said...

Your photo and the rock!! Fabulous!!!
I will hug you and then myself!!

rachel awes said...

i receive this
& inhale.

foxysue said...

Your sweet, tender heart reaches out to all hearts of such a nature and reminds us about compassion.

Thank you, love Sue x

Marit said...

The 'oneliner' is so beautiful!!! And I love reading your haiku's - it's become a habit to visit your blog for a haiku on Friday/Saturday!

Friko said...

a delightful haiku.
thank you for the good wishes. returned with pleasure.

Annie Jeffries said...

Self-Forgiveness. Hard to achieve but necessary for moving forward.

SE'LAH... said...

a unique twist. love it.

sending lots of love and compassion your way, Big Hearted One. You are an inspiration to all. Thanks for all the love you share.

rebecca said...

i just found you...hiding your haiku self on an older post for ecstasy!

thank goodness i was so fortunate to discover you and not miss this amazing self portrait. and your are so beautiful!
inside and out....
your haiku, sage advice.


Anonymous said...

I especially like the images. Are they both yours?

Have a good week, Boonie

Anonymous said...

You always get right to the core of it. Wonderful. Get ready for snow and take good care, xox Corrine

tami said...

love the painting - the portrait, the rock, the haiku!!! : ) Don't know how I missed this earlier!

Lynn Cohen said...

that is one fab painting!!!!

K Shiroma said...

Love your use of color in your work. The contrasts are beautiful!
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