Friday, January 7, 2011

Haiku my Heart–This Black Cat Crossed my Path






Brat, brat, kitty cat.

Remember who rescued who ?

Purr, purr, snuggle, mook.


(Cosmo Kitty, aka Little Boo, on my studio table, January 7, 2011)

Visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for more Haiku My Heart.


Spadoman said...

The cat came back, the very next day

The cat came back, we thought he was a goner

Oh, the cat came back, he just couldn't stay away

These great photos just made me start singing this song. I like the reference: "who rescued who" I think I know the answer.


Kim said...

Good one - Who rescued Who?! Cosmo does like kind of Sking-ish though. That's some Squeen crown, sounds like getting silly is a great way to start the year.

Anonymous said...

She's cute, but I fear could become a cat-alogue of cat-astrophes, aspecially if she's feline mischievous....
Nice haiku.

All the best, Boonie

Lynn Cohen said...

Love his tilted head look
so cute
so sleek
so beauty full

Anonymous said...

Looks like she is letting you cross her path! We're not in charge are we? xox corrine

Anonymous said...

Love that attitude!!


Meri said...

Someone that sweet and full of purr-sonality couldn't possibly be bad luck.

lynne h said...

we have a cat (amelia) who i call litte boo... wow, more than one little boo in the world!!

love to you and little boo, kim!


Commuter's Journal said...

What a lovely muse!

rebecca said...


my rescue cat seriously agrees!

ms pie said...

catz really crack me up... a breed onto themselves... such personalities each and everyone of em... amazing how he's such a photo hound!!! doesn't seem perturbed a bit by the picture taking.. gotta love em

beth said...

at least it's your black cat.....i am kind of superstitious when it comes to things like that....
weird right ?

Noelle Clearwater said...

Oh he is a beauty. He is so black he is almost blue and so statuesque. He is a regular poser that one. I love him. My kitten is all over the place. I call him a "demon child." He hasn't the panache that your kitty has yet, but he will some day. Quite the personality. Great haiku Kim!

Sueann said...

He is beautiful. Love how he cocked his head...all interested in what you were doing!!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Who could resist a cat like that?

Friends Haiku My Heart

d smith kaich jones said...

LOVE that straight at you eyes squinted cat look. I see that a lot and it lets me know exactly who rescued who and lets me know how silly the cat thinks I am to even ask the question. :)

Thank you SO MUCH for your kind, encouraging words as I start out on the road today. See you Monday!!!

:) Debi

Anonymous said...

Hi I love you:):)

Marit said...

I always enjoy your haiku-friday! Did you know my mom's a poet and has written several haiku-books?! It's such a wonderful 'verse technique'!!

tami said...

such a clever cat - loved the tilted face photo!

Tammy Lee Bradley said...

love it. they rescue us. definitely. xx

Liv @ Choosing Beauty said...

i can tell THIS black cat is good luck...with a holy moly amount of mojo! what a great companion as you create!

Priti Lisa said...

Man, that's perfect!
And that pic of Miss Boo with her head tilted??? She is a stinker isn't she?? LOL

SE'LAH... said...

soft pics...melts my heart (and i'm allergic to cats.)

hope you are doing well. one love, big hearted one.

Graciel said...

i have the SAME black cat. twins separated at birth! go to my post from january 10th and you will see mr. remmington. tell cosmo he says hello!

xo, graciel