Thursday, January 27, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday–Celebrate, Honor, Inspire

So a few weeks ago, I received an order for a bag of Rock My World rocks through Patti Digh’s 37Days Shop. The order was from a man named Ross Kinney, and he requested a couple of custom rocks with the words “Celebrate, Honor, Inspire” on one, and “Run 26.2 for Kelly” on another. When I got Ross’s mailing address and saw his blog address, I went and visited, and discovered that Ross is a runner and a fund raiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and has been for well over ten years ! As I read all about what this man was doing  and the passion he had put into making a difference in the world in his own way, I felt really glad that my rocks were going to be a part of something bigger somehow ! I happily mailed Ross his custom rocks.


After he received the rocks, Ross sent me an email with thanks for his order and with a inquiry. He wondered about how much 100 rocks with the words “Blood Cancer Freedom Fighter” on them would cost and if this was even possible. He wanted to offer a special keepsake rock to the first 100 people to make a donation of over $10.00 to his fundraising project.


I wrote Ross back and told him that not only was it possible but that I would love to donate my time and the rocks to the fund raising project for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and to the race that he and his daughter Laura were preparing for in France, in April of 2011. 

So now, 100 people who donate to the project will be receiving a rock with the words “Blood Cancer Freedom Fighter” on one side, and a word of inspiration from the Rock Fairy on the other in thanks for their participation.


This collaboration has touched me in so many ways. I was able to connect to this wonderful man and his daughter who are using their own strengths to make a difference and to help find cures for these horrible diseases that take the lives of too many. I was able to use my own strengths to make a difference as well. I felt the joy of being just a little kinder than necessary. And I can also share the story with my friends in the hopes that you will take a look around you and see where you can add some of your own strength to help make a difference some how…

Little acts of kindness, stretching yourself just a little, reaching out, sharing the joy and being willing – just the pebble that starts the sweet ripple…

Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams

Ross and Laura are now at about 27% of their $10,212.00 Fund Raising Goal for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Race in France this spring. If you would like to help them reach their goal, you can visit them here to find out more.

Share the Joy, Beautiful Ones !


For more Share the Joy Thursday, visit the lovely Meri’s blog.


jgr said...

Kim, Your wonderful post just gave me goosebumps!! How amazing these connections are!! Yes, I'm going right now to learn more. Meanwhile: Rock on, My friend!

d smith kaich jones said...

this is fabulous! my best friend has dealt with a rare form of lymphoma for 16 or 17 years - each time it comes back, the treatments are better, easier to tolerate. research and money makes a difference.

bless you!


and ps - this is the first time EVER that blogger has allowed me to comment on a blog when i've linked to it via FB. you are magic.

Kate Robertson said...

This is fantastic KIm, did you imagine this when you painted that first little rock? I love how things intersect and connect for the good of all.

Hugs my friend,


Anonymous said...

This is so very JOYfull!!! passing along these little kindnesses that grow and grow!!


Meri said...

What a blessing you were to him, offering to help him in his very important soul work. You ROCK! And isn't spreading joy just the greatest?

Olivia said...

Oh, I love how you partnered with him to spread Big Love around---how wonderful My Queen! Yes!, xoO

arlene said...

There is Beauty in the World, and you are watering it, and helping it grow!

Carmen said...

yes indeed: YOU ROCK!!!!

p.s. the internet is good too
Bless your heart!

Kim said...

Way to go Oh Kimmy-poo! How wonderful this opportunity came to you and you ran with it. Joy to the world indeed!

Miss Robyn said...

spreading the JOY! yes, all over the world ~ bless xo

Deb said...

I believe that Kindness and Compassion are your middle name ! Thanks for inspiring me ~ again !

SusieR said...

y-e-s. to all of it. here's to lots more ripples caused by your yummy rocks! xoxos

Laura said...

spreading joy and cool is that?

Anonymous said...

Oh my - I have goose bumps too! I just adore your big huge heart Kim and the way it attracts sooooo much goodness.


gma said...

Thanks for this and for the greater good of all concerned.

Eryl said...

Wonderful to have been able to contribute to something so special and imperative with your talent. The rocks are so cool, too.

Ross said...


I saw the title to your blog post early this morning. I had goosebumps as I waited an hour to click on it and read, like not wanting to unwrap the last Christmas present under the tree.

I was so touched and inspired as I read your post. It was so amazing to see again how Kelly's life continues to bring joy and purpose and an abundance of love to our lives.

I hope that those who read this are as inspired as I am by your kindess. Maybe some will be inspired to donate to Laura and me and join our blood cancer freedom fighter movement. Maybe some will be inspired to join Team in Training or form a Light the Night team and become involved in this fight against cancer in their own way. Maybe others will be inspired to serve another cause and donate their time and talents and make a difference.
I do not know what the ripple effect your kindness will create in the world. I am so grateful for your help in raising awareness for our cause, for shining a light on my sweet angel, Kelly and helping Laura and me celebrate and honor a life that continues to inspire.

Much warmth and love,

Ross and Laura

Tammy Lee Bradley said...

My WORD for the year is PURPOSE. I have been trying to figure out how to blog with a "purpose." Seeking out things that inspire me, supporting creativity in others, etc. This post encompasses all of those things. You are my MUSE.

xo tammy lee

Cindy said...

Kim you are really doing something special by helping with this cause. My word for this year is believe and I believe that we are each one of us here for a reason and that we each have a purpose in life. I believe that if I can put a smile of happiness on the face on someone who needs it then I've accomplished a lot and made the world a little brighter.

Hugs XX


beth said...

and i thought that big heart of yours was already at capacity....
but go and donate those rocks.
wow. seriously, you amaze me with the love inside of you !!!


Cindy said...

Kim this is fabulous, I a going to go and check the site out. indeed you do rock. hugs to you.

Sueann said...

This is totally awesome!! What a huge blessing to him and you and all the people that this will touch!

Joey said...

How AWESOME! You brought me joy today. I can't wait to explore your blog. Thank you!

Leslie said...

Good for you Kim! I count myself so fortunate to have had your rocks skip into my life.

Commuter's Journal said...

The Queen of the Rock Fairies spreads her magic across the land. What a wonderful tribute to all of these people fighting the good fight. Thank you for sharing the love, Kim! You are an inspiration.

Sue's News said...

Thank you so much for being such a loving, generous force in the world!!! We definitely need more people like you! People who aren't afraid to reach out, People who aren't afraid to care, and people who make a difference!!! You have certainly made an impact on Ross and Laura and on me. I am so inspired!!!

with much love and gratitide!,
Sue Kinney (Ross' wife of 27 years and proud mom of Laura) :-)

Paula said...

You are one wonderfully awesome lady, and I honestly am touched to know you and call you a friend! You have spread so much goodness and love throughout this world. I'm standing here clapping for you, wonderful lady!

Annie Jeffries said...

What a fabulous donation to make to him. Love your rocks and the idea behind them. Kudos to Ross and his daughter.