Friday, May 25, 2012

Haiku My Heart–Stay Trusting



Your job is simple.

Resist the impulse to fix.

Stay trusting in Love.


I have missed Haiku Friday for a few weeks and I have also very much missed the energy that comes from sharing little bits of our hearts in this way.

It feels good to return to this !!!

Rather than write anything about some of the struggles of the week

which I had the impulse to do this morning,

(most of them were taking place in my very own mind anyway!)

I am choosing to get back to my real job.

And that is

sending Big Old Love

and shiny, white Light out


all of you,

Beautiful Ones !


Have a sweet Memorial Day weekend and feel da LOVE!



Haiku My Heart is hosted every week by rebecca at recuerda mi corazon


Snap said...


Patti said...

right back at you lovely one...

Tarang Sinha said...

This is really nice!:)

Sherry said...

What a great haiku message!!! ♥

Enjoy your long weekend...stay cool as you spread that BIG LOVE!!!

xoxoxox - you are just too darn cute, you know that??? ;)

Anonymous said...

Share the joy Thursday and Haiku Love on Friday!!! What a treat you are! Thank you for your light and light spirit and creative mind!!!
Love you precious one. Your are amazing, inspirational and a real great person! I am so very proud to be your mom.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

Good idea...we all have our struggles, but how lovely to remember a shout out to LOVE!


Hazel said...

To be able to trust is one of life's greatest blessings. Nice haiku.

Kathy said...

Love it .. thank you.. have a wonderful weekend too..

irene said...

caught it and sending it on with a big smile. have a lovely weekend and welcome back.

anthonynorth said...

Important message in your haiku.

Dawn Elliott said...

So glad to see you back! Your work is so inspirational to me - I want to see more!

foxysue said...

Love received with thanks, I took your cue and passed it on! x

Cheryl said...

OMG! Your haiku is the best ever! I love it! Love your journal page, too.

Olivia said...

I love both the haiku and the art journal page, My Queen.

Oh, this is so funny. I went back to review your haiku to comment on it. I'd thought it said "Resist the impulse to fly." I took this to mean "fly away" as opposed to facing things. This must be a message I needed to hear because my brain made it up for me from your words.

I really like the lines in your art journal page: the words in the unfurling lines and the white pen the black, the dots, the patterns, etc.

Wishing you a wonderful evening, xoO

Anonymous said...


carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful message from your haiku ~ Excellent! ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Fallingladies said...

You are so good at your real job of sending out love!!! Hope you feel it coming back to you three fold!

rebecca said...

dear sweet you,

so much wisdom and love blooming here. thank you for your place in my haiku heart, so much more complete with your presence.

Anonymous said...

it is such a joy to trust the one you love

valued benevolence haiku

Unknown said...

Favorite. Haiku. Ever. <3 Thank you SO much for sharing it with us. Trust is something I am struggling with at the moment. It's hard to just step back and not constantly think "no no NO, life would make so much more sense if ____ were ____." I'm trying to do less of this, and more discovering the gifts in the moment the way it is...

beth said...

hey sweetie....
i'm thinking about you so much....especially what you didn't write.
i'm here. i'm always here to listen......xoxoxo

Jess said...

Kim, once again your blogpost travels in a straight line to my heart. Thankyou for your kind sweet words that touch our souls. Hope you're having a lovely weekend!:)
Jess xx

somepinkflowers said...

you got THAT right!

----->Resist the impulse
to fix.


{{i will give it
my best shot }}

PS--may your struggles
slide by with Ease