Thursday, May 17, 2012

Share the Joy Thursday–Right in my own backyard

Some of the things on this weeks Joy List come from my very own back yard !

There were some lovely messages from some of the plants back there as well as such joy in spending time with that incredible green growing !!!


The elephant ear hosta, sent me some messages as I watched it basking in the morning sun!


Look at the size of these incredible leaves !


Talk about Living Big in the present moment!

A month ago, it was a small tuber in the ground and now it is bursting with life and power.

Wowza !

What would my life look like if I took on the hosta challenge ?



Then there was another message of the glorious lupine leaves.


Their leaves are as beautiful as a flower !

The message I received from them is to


yourself just as you are in this moment.

Don’t wait for the big bloom to shower yourself with appreciation.

You are remarkable just as you are today.

Mmmm, that feels good.

Winking smile

Cutting a sweet blossom from the Chica Bush also brought me some joy this morning.

We have this very pretty bush at the end of the driveway and we have no idea what it is really called. It blooms with these sweet white/pink trumpets every spring and on into the summer.

Way back when, before we fenced in our back yard, Chica used to be tied near that bush to do her business.

And whenever she could, she would chew on its branches as if it were the sweetest candy !

Hence the name “Chica Bush”.

Luckily, Chica now has full rights to the whole back yard and the bush has now become full and healthy again.


I brought some joy into the studio and put it in a sweet vase that reminds me of my friend, Bethie.

Hmmm, look-y here !

I guess this is the message for today from the back yard of the Yellow House on Orange Street.


Not a bad one at all !

Happy Thursday, Beautiful Ones !

For more joy, head on over to Meri’s Musings and see what all of the joy seekers have found !



Sherry said...

I love how you pulled this together with Live, Laugh, Love...that is the joy we enjoy -- and I love the Chica Bush!! I don't know what it is, but it's beautiful!

Have a lovely weekend my friend...enjoy the mommy and Kimmy time!! Love you! xoxo

Unknown said...


Meri said...

One way or another -- you LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE! You're my heroine. And we need to take a lesson from that hosta leaf -- the universe doesn't want us to live small. Hugs, Kim. . .

Kate Robertson said...

What a great message. I love it!

LuLu Kellogg said...

Beautiful message from a beautiful girl!!


beth said...

wow....your yard really does talk to you !!

and that leaf....OMG !

i think i just heard my yard say "stop feeding the damn crows already crazy lady"


ps....i still use my vases all the time :)

rebecca said...

You are remarkable just as you are today.

great message to offer to all your flower followers!

beautiful joyful post from a radiant full bloom heart!

thank you dear one

Anonymous said...


great words to live and love by.

off for a few days of relaxation, thank you for your sweet anniversary good wishes!

Marit said...

Such a joy!!!

iHanna said...

I get joy from leaf & greenery too, such lush joy earth gives. Pretty photos!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Chica bush and a lovely live post and painted spirit rock to go with it! xox

Sueann said...

I am in love with that Hosta!! Gorgeous!!

Michelle Webb said...

Those Hosta leaves are amazing, I thought mine was big, but yours are huge! The pebbles are such a great idea, I'm going to decorate some of my own in my garden too. Your journal pages are really inspirational I like them very much. I really like seeing our crafty cats too, we all seem to have cats, and they all sleep on our pillows with us! so funny, mine does too. Michelle x

Olivia said...

Such abundance! My Queen, I am visiting on Friday, and joy is just as great today as it would have been yesterday. Thank you for sharing your joy with me, xoO

rachel awes said...

"don't wait for the big bloom"...
i needed to hear this. THANK YOU, friend. xox

SE'LAH... said...

sending lots of love your way. you are beautiful, in every way. thanks for always providing such inspiration here.

one love.