Thursday, May 10, 2012

Share the Joy Thursday–Groovy Kind of Joy

So what brought you JOY this week, Momma ?


Well, Boo, of course, there was you snuggling in my lap during tv time, Pretty Black Brat.


And seeing handsome Azzy perched like a prince on his pillow.


And this green-eyed Pumpkin-love who sleeps on my pillow with me at night.


Oh, yes, and you too, Beautiful Chica-Dog, ball catcher extraordinaire !

And then there is this guy :


who may or may not have danced the slow-motion chicken dance with me in the kitchen this morning.

(Baby, you and me got a groovy kind of love. <3 )


Then there are some other little things like wrapping up a giftie for a friend who is having a rough day…


and giving yourself a matching pair !

(Note to Self Socks are soooo cute ! Thanks to Bacon, who shared them on her blog and inspired me to get a pair for both Colleeny and me ! Love them !!!)


I hope your Thursday is filled with simple joys, Beautiful Ones !

Big Love !

For more joy, go see the gang at Meri’s Musings.



Sherry said...

It doesn't get much better than this!! I love how you not only find the joy in the day, you share the joy in the day. I think I need me some of those socks!!!!! En"joy" the rest of this beautiful day my wonderful friend! xoxo

rebecca said...

as inspire every cell of me!

Meri said...

Such puppy-kitty-hubby love!

arlene said...

What a lovely day. I LOVE the socks! Your happiness shines through!

Unknown said...

What a huge collection of "little" things.
None of which is actually little, of course.
The little things are the things which count.

Lynn Cohen said...

You have such pretty cats...and the socks rock!

jgr said...

Love the furry photos and the socks are awesome!
Joy to you my friend!

Marit said...

I've never seen such joyful socks! Love them! And love to see all your furry (and less furry) sweethearts!

foxysue said...

Wouldn't be Share the Joy Thursday without you, I love to get my joy fix here! x

Leovi said...

I like those photos. No doubt they are a pure delight.

Unknown said...

Some good looking critters and guys in your house. Love the socks.

Fallingladies said...

Cool socks, and a chicken dance! What a great day!

Kate Robertson said...

Oh I love those socks. Fun to see all your critters and your love too. Oh also wanted you to know I love the new look.

bacon said...

YAY for notes to self socks! It makes me so happy to see thm on your feet and to know that you are also giving them away. There are on the top of my list for favorite gifts to give too. So much joy you are sharing on this Thursday. Beautiful!
Also, thanks for the blog shout out! You rock! ;)

Anonymous said...

Kim, what a JOY-FULL!! post

I love New Girl, great clip!!

Anonymous said...

You make my heart dance with joy dear daughter!!! Another amazing post! I love you so much!!! Have a wonderful day.xoxoxoxo Mom

beth said...

please....we need a video of the two of you dancing !!!

LOVE the fun !

Priti Lisa said...

Wow Kim! You are the best pick-me-up!
I love the rockin' background...reminds me of M&M's. And your header is perfect, you always amaze me♥♥♥♥♥

BJ Lantz said...

Now, you know I love me some kitty pics! Thanks for those :-) Hope you're doing well. I think of you now and again when I notice my "Trust" rock that I found just when I needed it last year at Squam...