Friday, January 11, 2013

Haiku My Heart–Focus


What you focus on

Is what there will be more of.

Choose the good, Dear One.



Quick !

Think of three things that are good

and celebrate them for a minute !

1. Having good friends over for fondue and games tonight ! Woo hoo !

2. It is sunny and warm in New Hampshire and it is January ! Yee haw !

3. I have a cozy home and a sweet hubby to share it with ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes !


I am going to keep focusing on the good today.

And be so grateful that I recognize I have the choice.


Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones !

For more haiku and lots of good, visit rebecca at recuerda mi corazon


carol l mckenna said...

lovely and inspiring haiku ~

always find I feel better when I use my 'attitude of gratitude' for what is ~ thanks for the reminder.

A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

bacon said...

Here's to always choosing to see the good!
Big smile and a warm hug!

nacherluver said...

Awesome post. What a great way to set the weekend mood! And that word? "Choose" Yup. It's a good one. I've been working with it hand in hand lately.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! And YES!! Thanks for a wonderful message this drab Friday morning!

Jess said...

Thankyou Kim for a much needed lift. :) Have a lovely evening!xx

Sherry said...

Blessings on having often the fact that we have the ability to choose is lost in the've inspired me today (as you always do!). Happy weekend, happy heart! xoxo

somepinkflowers said...

you are so spot on, missy !!

i am chooooooosing
to have
~~A Studio Day~~
tomorrow ♥

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday to you too!xox

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed...focus on the GOOD! and the good will come your way.

enjoy the sunshine for perhaps our cold is headed your way :)


Jennifer Wagner said...

A wonderful perspective!

Terri said...

Oh yes! Choice! I am so happy to know that i get to choose how I want to feel no matter what is going on around me : ) Yay!
I am sooooo thankful for my dear hubby too (our 22nd anniversary is tomorrow!).
I am also very thankful for art, as it has been the bedrock of my happy expressive experience!
And I delight in my kids, all grown up, and doing their thing.
Thanks so much for sharing such a positive post!

Spadoman said...

This was easy to do today. Other days, not so easy, but only good can come from giving it a try even on the tough days.
Hocus Focus.


jgr said...

Hi Kim, thank you for this wonderful post, it's just what I need today. Happy weekend to you!

Meri said...


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

I am focussing on the melting snow! And the weekend up ahead! And good friends! Happy Friday!

Lea said...

Dear Kim, I am coming here at the end of a wonderful day and love your quest of three things to focus on... 1) spending the day with dear girlfriends, 2) having this circle of haiku bloggers, 3) having my beloved surprise me with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, bursting with color and love... I choose, now and always to love the good that comes in so many amazing ways... like your haiku and images...

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I shall. Thank you!

Journey’s End

Sueann said...

I shall rest in the sunshine...breath in the fresh air...look at the blue skies and white, white clouds and celebrate my life.
This is my focus...each day...each moment is special!
Glad you celebrate this same way!

Fallingladies said...

Wonderful advice! 1. My son went out to breakfast with us today( a feat for all of us) 2. Christmas art books waiting to be read 3. A quiet moment where i can hear the crows!

gma said...

living a life I love,
divine connection,
beautiful people like you to remind me of my blessings.

Marit said...

My focus lays elsewhere then the computer right now - but after diner I couldn't help myself and here I am, visiting your blog and smiling when I see your beautiful photo and lovely haiku. Focus... I will again focus tomorrow. It's a fun focus - oh yes... I will tell more about it later. Enjoy your weekend sis!

Sacred Ordinary Moments said...

1. Having a warm, cozy place of my own, where I can read, create, meditate or do whatever I please in sweet, blessed, peace.

2. Having my fridge filled with good, wholesome, healthy foods.

3. Having a whole brand new year in which to play, craft, dream, manifest, be inspired, and inspire.

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, dear one! XO

rebecca said...

i love you kim, you are the always shining light, encouraging all those you touch to find their brightest selves.

such a polestar in the constellation of love.


Priti Lisa said...

Zippy, dippy
Happy, just turned me upside-down Kim.
I am glad you are in my world ♥♥♥

eb said...

3 things:

Warm, melting, even

Quiet candlelight at 89

The LIGHT coming through

Magic dance of bits and pieces

Reminders from rock fairy

A full cup

These 3 and so much more...