Friday, August 15, 2014

Good Morning, Blue.

August Break Prompt : Blue


No blues skies in Apollo Beach today.

Big boomers and close lightening strikes have been the order of the day since about 5:00am.

Finding other ways to let the sun shine through.

Tomorrow, meeting up with three new potential girlfriends ! Winking smile

I reached out to some fellow Patti Digh-Hards, as my hubby calls them, Facebook friends who leave relatively close by,

and asked them to meet me for lunch.

Needing new tribe members here in FL !

We meet in St. Pete’s tomorrow.

A little nervous and a lot excited.

Proud of my brave self.


Happy Friday to you, Beautiful Ones !

Hope the weekend has some brave, nervous, excited moments in it for you too !



Hosted by Susannah Conway


Unknown said...

Go, you! Wish I weren't so shy- I'd love some art buddies here. I hope it goes REALLY well!

And we've got the same weather coming in now. Normally not a huge fan of thunderstorms, but in the late afternoons they are okay - I feel like it's the perfect day to tuck in for the evening!

Anonymous said...

lucky you! to meet some wonderful blog friends that are nearby. Thank you too for your very sweet comments. Still wondering what to do, I feel a bit guilty that I only visit other blogs these days when a comment leads me over.

you are always a deLIGHT!

Olivia said...

Even The Queen needs her fellow royals to be comfortable in a new location! I think you are super brave to to that Kim, and reach out...I hope you have a wonderful time, xoO

patti said...

We all need a tribe! Lucky you to have some arty friends nearby! Have a fantastic time together! x