My friend Sonia and I went on a fun artist date yesterday to Absolutely Everything in Topsfield, Mass. Okay, it was a shopping trip to a great store! They literally have almost absolutely everything a mixed media artist could want in terms of supplies ! It was so much fun to see some many of the tools I have been looking at on-line in person ! They have a huge selection of rubber stamps and I picked up a couple from Tim Holtz's Stampers Anonymous {Components} Collection . They are perfect for ATC's but I know I will use them in my art journal. I also beefed up my Gelly Roll Pen collection now that I have found out how well they work on acrylic (dried !!!) paints. I was really trying to be reasonable with the budget but I could have bought so many treats !!! Like a kid in a candy store ! Such fun. It is a good thing that the store is an hour from my house !
As I was checking my usual favorite suspects today, Julie at The Land of Lost Luggage had a fun photo guessing game posted ! Fun idea ! It was an extreme close up photo and her visitors had to guess what it was. Guess who guessed correctly ! Yep, the Queen of Arts ! Check out Julie when you have a chance if you haven't already. She is great !
I haven't had much energy for any other creative endeavors this weekend. I am taking next week off from subbing - screening calls to avoid the principals in search of warm bodies to cover for the day ! I want to spring clean in my studio - it is such a mess ! I have to do the old organizing trick of sorting through things and making boxes to store elsewhere, give away, and trash !!! I have so many things that I have been holding onto just in case and I have also somehow acquired so many new things that I love to use but have no room for in my storage system. It is really time to make room for the new ! The rest of the week will hopefully be spent playing in a nice tidy studio all ready for new messes !!!!
Hey Kimbo, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I've been really busy putting together a show and haven't done a whole lot for myself lately. You did inspire me to get back to a piece I've been working on though....
love your blog by the way, I'll be back :-)
Your rebirth collage is great! That is how I feel about spring! And I would love to sit on that balcony by the lake, that you mention in another post!
ae is in my hometown!! :-) i'm planning on having a little date...er, shopping trip there this weekend when i go to pick up my little brother. hopefully, i won't break the bank in that store. it's so tempting!
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