Friday, March 11, 2011

Haiku My Heart–Hopeful Signs of Spring


Rockin’ Red Bird sings

his Springtime, horny, love song !

That’s Cardinal love.


I have been hearing signs of spring.

My favorite one is the beautiful red cardinal who changes his tune around this time of year, calling out in a joyous, “hey, look at me” way to the lady cardinals in the area.

I think he starts his ritual earlier than most dudes, having stayed here all winter.

All I know is that hearing his song makes me want to shake a tail feather too !

I know March 11th is early, but I am starting to feel it.

And it feels good.

Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones.

Haiku My Heart is hosted by the incredible Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon. Visit her for more.


Anonymous said...

This is such a chirpy post. Thanks for sharing.

All the best, Boonie

Sherry said...

This was my first huge smile of the day -- bursting with colour this rockin' cardinal beats "official" any day of the week!!!

Love to hear those bird songs...pushing those clocks ahead tomorrow night -- YES!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too funny cardinal man and his horny tune! Birds are definitely calling for Spring to wake things up. So fun to see you yesterday and catch up. xox Corrine

Mary said...

Big smile here...The birds are getting more vocal around here too...and the Cardinals are on the move...:)

Marit said...

Shake'm', shake'm' baby! Yeah!

Kate Robertson said...

Rock on rock on let the spring signs continue.

Anonymous said...

How lucky! you are to have these bright red birds visit you!!


Margaret Pangert said...

Hi Kim~ Your illustration of the male cardinal struttin' his stuff to your song is hysterical! I've been seeing him all winter while the dowdy lil woman hid down in the bushes! I've got an owl nest this year--am so hoping!
Thanks for an imaginative, fun post!

Meri said...

is he singing that
seven note chorus, trilling
his love shamelessly

ms pie said...

that's hilarious... i use to stand by my sister's window and watch that red bird fly from tree to tree chasing the females singing that same song...

rebecca said...

love the
four play, i mean word play
cardinal love!

thanks for the bright red love!!

Priti Lisa said...

Yay for tulips
and rah for you, my friend
spring, sprang, sprung...

Grammy said...

I love it, spring is my favorite time of the year. And your are and words both. ROCK! : )

foxysue said...

And a happy weekend to you Kim, my love is a constant window gazer with regular reports on the bird community (that's the winged variety!) We have resident crows in the nearby Oak, my love noticed Mr Crow fly over with his fine twig specimen in beak, only to fly straight back again with same twig!?! Not right size, shape, colour who knows? Obviously wouldn't do for Mrs Crow!

Sue x

tami said...

I love this post - brought a smile to my heart. I too have been watching the cardinals and their shenanigans!

Rosie said...

I'm glad you've been bitten by the Spring bug! I think letting go is important. It's so easy to hoard stuff and then at the end of the day, you never find anything you really want and I waste a lot of time being distracted by thinmgs I wasn't looking for in the first place!
Have a lovely weekend Kim!! xoxo

Cindy said...

Love this Kim, look at Mr. Cardinal strutting his stuff. I have always loved the cardinals....we don't see them in my part of the world. I am a huge bird watcher would love the color flying in my back yard. have a great weekend. hugs.

Eydie Kugler said...
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Eydie Kugler said...


Did you feel my heart sing this morning when I saw your birdies on the "a little birdie told me, Brave Girl's" site?

I'm so happy you took the leap! Such a joy to see you share your beautiful art with so many other colorful souls.

Stop on by sometime and visit.

Noelle Clearwater said...

Very clever and jazzy post with that brazen red cardinal trumpeting his wares. Very upbeat Kim. Love it!

rachel awes said...

kim, i just saw your birdie on brave girls! congrats!!!
& happy springtime!! yesyes!!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


love the bird imagery.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

The mating calls of birds, and other red blooded species. Something different going on here, perhaps the opposite, but that is good too. It's all learning, moving, adapting, adjusting and especially for me SEEing something that I felt was there all along. It's all good, al you said!