Friday, March 25, 2011

Haiku My Heart–The Queen’s Color


The color Purple


Mystic, royal, creative


Brings pop to my life!


So enjoying the Purple bursts in my life lately.

Did you know that it is often the favorite color of creatives and eccentrics, as well as teenage girls ?

Plus, it is the color of royalty, right ?

Makes sense that it is this kooky Queen’s # 1 then, right ? Winking smile


Happy Friday, Beautiful Ones !

I hope your day is full of some of your favorite things too !

(For more haiku my heart, head over to rebecca’s blog, recuerda mi corazon)


Sherry said...

I'm a purple lover as well...and it's the colour of my zodiac sign...I'm lovin' your purple all stars baby!!!

Kathy said...

It's also the favorite color for psychics. Just sayin'. LOVE the purple.
Cheers! - Kathy

Unknown said...

<3 My kingdom is colored blue :) I LOVE your sneakers, and your smile, and your kitty, and all you do!

Anonymous said...

and purple is the first color popping out here...little violets and vinca vine blooms...

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Hi Kimmy-poo. I'm briefly coming up for air in a crazy, crazy week. But it's all good! I didn't know those details about purple. Let's see....toi et moi - eccentric? creative? Oh my goodness yes! Do we giggle like teenage girls sometimes? Indeedy-doodley! I have to ask how comfortable those all stars are. I often look at other people wearing them but since they are so flay (and I have quite a high arch) I'm not so sure they are for me. What say you Oh Queen of All That Shines?! kisses

Mary said...

I love purple, especially with red and orange!!

Kelly said...

That means I've been eccentric for a long time. Happy Friday to you too!

Janet said...

Purple has been my favorite color ever since I can remember. Love this little post all about purple. And yes, I am eccentric!

Spadoman said...

Purple is a favorite around here, especially to my almost 7 year old Granddaughter. She has asked for a piurple bicycle for her upcomiong birthday. She must be a queen, or at least a princess. Glad to hear things happening in your life are making you feel good. You are definitely a first class Queen!


Ramesh Sood said...

Love it.. purple looks so good and great..

Ramesh Sood said...

Love it.. purple looks so good and great..

Ramesh Sood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marit said...

I, my dear friend, have the exact same, purple sneakers!!!!!!!!!! Now YOU will come to mind every time I put them on.!

Kate Robertson said...

Well this Queens favorite color is purple. Love all the purple inspired things. What fun.

Meri said...

I've got purples and green-golds in my room -- it's a very calming combo.

foxysue said...

I love purple too especially beside red, and then I love it with orange, and green, and pink, looks like I'm in good company!

Happy weekend to you Beautiful one.

Sue x

Anonymous said...

Lovin those purple AllStars!! My colors these days are the color of water - teal, blue, green.

Hugs to you Miss Kim!!

Kathy said...

Oooh am loving those purple sneakers.. I soooo need a pair of those...I love purple too.. I've never found purple buckets either.. yes.. the color of creativity and Queens!! have a loverly weekend...

beth said...

so what does it mean that i have nothing purple in my closet ?
seriously, i don't !!

Cindy said...

Kim you look fabulous. I love purple, I used to wear a lot of it, may have to get me some more. have a great weekend. take care.

Jaime Haney said...

Purple is my long time favorite too! Happy Friday my Queen! ;)

Julie Prichard said...

Happy weekend, Kim!

Unknown said...

... And a favorite color of children too! I can vouch for that!

Noelle Clearwater said...

Purple popping pleasure! Lovely and energizing at the same time! I like the poster message. Very affirming!

Elena said...

Beautiful post....LOVE the artwork. Really needed to read that one right about now. Hee hee!

Grammy said...

Such beautiful photos and words. I would love to have a purple day.
: )

Nadeja said...

Purple is one of my favourite colours. I wore purple 3 times this week!!! I guess we are on the same wave length:):):)
Love you,

Margaret Pangert said...

You are the diva of royalty, HRH Kim! These images are delicious! In yoga, purple represents spirituallity, the top of the head. Therefore, your cat is very spiritual! The poster is so positive; how great you have it to look at from time to time. ♥

ms pie said...

purrrrr pul is a special place where colors reside in overflowing happiness... not everyone accepts the purple it takes a special kind of light... and anyone who wears tennees w/o socks [did i get that right] is so cool anyhoz... a purple haven kinda place and that smile was the best!!!! overflowing happiness to you too...

rachel awes said...

how i love this angel
& her message!
i invite her NEAR.
purple love to you!

Unknown said...

Ah, PURPLE! My fave too and when it's paired with chartruese- I'm in heaven! Love your angel, and your high tops are neat too ;)

gma said...

Great Haiku!
YUM! Purple. I just bought a new deep purple t-shirt with sequins swirling around on it. So pretty.

Fallingladies said...

I love purple too, but I don't use it in my art too much, just did this last week mixed with orange and pink though, as I was inspired by a rack of bath scrubbies in those colors!! never know what'll inspire you!

Dawn Elliott said...

What could be better than purple hightops? You rock!
P.S. Violet is my all-time favorite color...I wonder which category I fall into!?!

somepinkflowers said...

i own these Very Shoes


{{ but then
i have 18 pair of chuck taylors--
on sale from zappos--
not that i am braggity-brag-bragging--
aren't they the BEST! }}

PS--you look charming in that shade of purple, BTW...

Olivia said...

To honor the Queen:

Peace and love, xoO

rebecca said...

have i told you how amazingly beautiful you are lately???

i am telling you girl,
you just