Thursday, March 24, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday–Gratitude in Being


All is well in my little corner of the world.

I am surrounded by Love.

And It radiates out of me.


I am full of creative juices waiting to be let free to flow.


I know I am not alone on this journey.

I have the love and support of those traveling with me.


And the guidance, love and experience of those who went before me as well.


While the Sun may not always be shining,

I know that there is a Light that is always present.


I love this Beautiful Life.

And I am grateful just to



My Dad would have been 70 years old today, if he hadn’t died 15 years ago.

This song reminds me of him probably more than any other song in the world.

He loved Neil Young.

I love the line :

“Old Man, look at my life. I’m a lot like you were.”

I see my Father in me. And I am grateful that he lives on in me.

This version of the song is so beautiful and pure. RIP, Daddy.


I hope that you find the many wonderful things that are right in your world today, Beautiful Ones.

Big Love !


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday with Gusto to your Dad, his spirit lives on in you. You rock my world, so glad to call you friend. xox Corrine

arlene said...

I'll light a birthday candle to your Dad today Kim, and to the flame you share with him.

Meri said...

It gives me joy to read your post. It makes me laugh to see your handpainted shirt. It makes me feel old to hear that blast from the past and see how young Neil looks.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely tribute to your dad...


yes! I adore your supportive shirt!

Unknown said...

You are very, very beautiful. Happy Birthday to your daddy. I am sorry for your loss.

Terry Hartley said...

Here's the thing, Kim, he was blessed to have a daughter such as you! What a beautiful gift for him. Keep shining, bright star, he would be so proud of the love you put forth.

Sherry said...

Such a bittersweet day my friend. Loss and grief and remembrance, wrapped up in love and memory and joy.

You celebrate your father and you celebrate yourself.

Sending you a very large, warm hug and softly whispered, "I'm glad that you are you." ♥

Priti Lisa said...

I am only realizing how much I am like my Dad...he died 8 years ago...That song is one of my fav's.
Lottsa Love, Lisa

jgr said...

A lovely tribute to your Dad. 'Shine on' my friend!

Carmen said...

i LOVE Neil Young and this is indeed a very beautiful song
i just listened and it moved me so deeply, you are brave to play iy today
bear hugs

Megan Hoover said...

thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comments on my art...i just read the post about your dad and while i don't know you at all, i felt moved and saddened. you have a beautiful heart!

Kate Robertson said...


I am sure your dad was wonderful as you are part of him. I love Neil Young too, especially Old Man. Glad to hear all is well in your world.

lynne h said...

hello Beautiful One... i am sending you and your dad love...


Sueann said...

The sun is shining and the skies are blue. I can hear the meadow larks singing! What a beautiful morning and day!! I had a wonderful walk this morning and was able to enjoy all of the above up close and personal!
Be well sweetie!!
Hugging you

Kathy said...

Sweet tribute. Love that song, also. Love your shirt, too! - Cheers, Kathy

Commuter's Journal said...

I'm sad for your loss but happy to hear that he lives on in your heart, Kim. Happy Birthday to your dad!

michelle ward said...
